Friday, October 29, 2010

One by One

Well, another week has past by; time seems to be flying by. As they say, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” This blog is going to be somewhat different due to simply the fact that God has been showing me the ways in which He has come through and blessed me-so this blog is mainly simply giving thanks and sharing the blessings He’s given me since being here in Mexico.

But first, as always, I’ll share what’s been happening with my little ones=) Today, I learned how to make tomales at the school-however, I will save it for the real Mexicans and just enjoy eating them-it’s too hard! They are so fun; yes, to be honest, they can be a challenge, but I really do enjoy them so much. One of the teachers at the school, who also has a child in my class, was telling Mrs. Guzman that she hears my kids among themselves using Spanglish-which encourages me because it means they are learning. They are really funny-they still think that if they use English then they will get what they want, and if I say no to something or have them wait because I’m helping someone else, that means I just don’t listen to them or understand them (this is when they are talking in Spanish) I’ve notice that I’m still a people-pleaser, yes, even to 1st and 2nd graders-though, thankfully, I can say no when I have to, but I really hate to and hate having to give them demerits…sad, I know.

Oh, and I will share one more amusing story before the blessings start (though it was not so amusing when it was happening, at least to me, though everyone else thought it was quite hilarious) Last night, I went on visitation, and at one of the houses, they served pumpkin-yes, I did have real, legit pumpkin-don’t ask me how they cook it, but it was really good. Anyway, I ate a piece, and someone asked me if I wanted more, and I was full, so I said no thank you. And they were all asking, “You didn’t like it.” And I answered, “No, me gusta, pero estoy llena” (which of course in my English-speaking mind was No, I like it, but I’m full.” However, it is a good thing that I like body language because of course I was using my hands but also shaking my head saying, “Yes, I liked it.” And as I was answering, everyone started laughing , like 10 people. And I was so confused until one of the girls, Yazmin said, “Rhonda, you just said you didn’t like it; you need to say No, si, me gusta”-I will conquer this language someday-hopefully;)

As I mentioned earlier, God has really opened my eyes to see the many blessings He has provided. Earlier this week, I was sitting in a taxi, thinking about my sisters and brother, missing them so much, and all of sudden, the Holy Spirit was working in me, reminding me of all the blessings He’s done for me since being here. For instance, the Guzmans and their daughter, Elizabeth have been so welcoming, always giving me advice and being my Spanish-English dictionaries and just opening their home to me. The youth pastor and his wife have invited me to different ministries and always make sure I’m invited to every activity and making sure I understand what’s going on. God has given me six adorable (at least most of the time) students with great co-workers. God has been teaching me so much, and His Word has been so alive and such a comfort. I haven’t ruined anything when I’ve cooked-for those who know me, you know this is a God-thing! I’ve had friends who check-in on me and still allow me to keep up with them to in the states. God has allowed me to hang out with people here and has pushed me out of my comfort zone to really learn more and more Spanish and participating in things I really enjoy…the list goes on and on; I just need to remember as 1 Thes. 5:18 says, “In everything, give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” There are times, like in the taxi, I just wanted to feel sorry for myself, yet the Holy Spirit allowed me to see past my circumstances to see how amazing He’s truly been. So just like the hymn says, I will strive more and more each day to, “Count my blessings, name them one by one!”

Because of Christ,

Friday, October 22, 2010


First, I must apologe for not writing last Friday. There was a ACE (the curriculum the school uses) Conference in Mexico City (which is where the picture was taken), that I went to with Mrs. Guzman and two other teachers. Let's just say it was a 14 hour, overnight bus ride for a two day trip. Needless to say, it was quite long, and I learned that I cannot sleep on a bus, but on the bright side I got to eat Papa Johns=) and I am now more sure of how the curriculum should work, and it re-energized me and encouraged me as to what I was doing: pouring into my kids, whom I love more each day!

Teaching is going well. I really enjoy it the more I do it-my kids are learning so much and are using English more and more-which is encouraging. They are also so eager to please and do a good job-I just love them!

I didn't have my English class last Saturday because I didn't get back from Mexico City until 9am, and I only got around 7 hours of sleep in three days, which might not sound bad, but I'm just not as young as I used to everyone seemed to understand. I can't wait to see them tomorrow. I did get to hang out with one of the people who attends the English class last Tuesday. She is a couple years older than me, and it was so nice to be able to just hang out and talk. She is so sweet, and I'm thankful for this new friend God has given to me. And yes, we talked in Spanish for like three hours-she was so patient with me=)

The juvenile detention home is such a blessing to be involved in as well as visitation. God is stretching me a lot through these ministries. He is also allowing me the opportunity to do what I love: discipleship and simply talking about His Word. Two Saturdays ago, I was able to go disciple this one teenage boy named Jesus. He accepted Christ about a month ago when we came, and it was such a blessing to be able to explain to him more in depth about the decision he made and talk about the new life he now has in Christ-so please pray that he will continue to grow and be in the Word, and his hunger that he has will never go away.

God is still teaching me so much, which I'm very thankful for. I have realized living here how much I underestimate the Lord. There have been countless times where I simply tell the Lord that I can't really talk to people or I can't really share His Word with people because I'm not fluent in Spanish or I don't want to make His Word unclear for someone or I'm too nervous or I'm just not good talking with people I don't know. I just give excuse after excuse, yet God pretty much forces me into situations where I have to talk, where I need to share the Word where people, and literally everyone else is talking to other people, so I'm the only one to do it. And every time, He has come through. He has given me the words I've needed, giving me the references I've needed, and allowed the other person to understand. It's so humbling because here I am, faithless Rhonda, being like Moses and making excuses, yet God is again showing me that it is not about me, and He is not daunted by my weakness, in fact it's through my weaknesses, He is most glorified because no one can give me praise because they all know my Spanish isn't perfect. Therefore, if I was able to do it, it was only through God, so praise be to the Lord and not me-so, just as Paul said, I will rejoice in my weakness so that God will be glorified. So next time you're tempted to tell the Lord you can't for various reasons, remember that He used Moses, who was full of excuses, to lead a nation, and He is using me, who still struggles with underestimating His power and what He can do with a willing, earthen vessel!

Because of Christ,

Friday, October 8, 2010

A Clearer Picture

It's hard to believe that I've been living in Mexico for two months. When I stop to think about it, I can hardly fathom it. It has been one of the most challenging, stretching yet rewarding two months of my life, and I'm excited to see what will happen in the following months to come.

My kids are a blast. They surprise me with how much English they are catching on to. Now, there are somethings I will explain in English, thinking they won't understand if I use some English, yet they respond by giving me the English equilavent of what I said-I'm so proud of them. They are also learning how to read and spell in Spanish and English-and they are doing a great job, though I must say it's ironic to me when they ask me how to spell words in Spanish. I must say that I'm thankful that I had good Spanish teachers (though, I should have studied more), and I'm thankful that Spanish is a language where you simply have to sound out the word to spell it-it's been a lifesaver. Oh, and it does help that they are only in first and second grade, so I know the words they want to I am enjoying my kids, and the more I am around them, the more I have a desire for them to accept Christ as their Savior and really grow in Him. I asked one of my kids what his favorite day is during the school week, and he answered Thursday because of chapel-I just pray that all my kids will grow to know the Lord and be excited about learning about the Lord.

Last Friday night, I got a surprise babysitting job of two girls in the church. It was fun though; I taught them Skipbo, which they thoroughly enjoyed. After that, the youth pastor, his wife, and one of their daughters visited me. It was so encouraging. They encouraged me so much through the Word and their words. And I must say, I made coffee for them-everyone should be very proud!! My class at the church is also going well. They are doing really well too, and they are just so friendly. I'm thankful for them. The youth pastor started small groups at the juvenile detention home for the teens who have accepted Christ. It's a privilege to be a part of discipling new believers and teaching them the Word of God. The youth pastor paired us up, so there are two people teaching, and I'm still really nervous to talk Spanish, I must confess, but the guy I'm paired up with makes me talk, which is good. But please pray that the Holy Spirit will use ministry He has given us there to build these teens up and that they will continue to grow in their relationship with the Lord. Visitation is going well too. It's cool to see people's hearts for the Lord and to share the Word with others; it's hard to explain, but the joy the Lord gives when you are sharing the Word and encouraging someone in Christ-it's amazing. Last night, I was forced to talk-but the Holy Spirit was so faithful, and He gave me the words in Spanish to say=) and according to the person I was talking to, they understood me-praise the Lord!! I'm so thankful for the Lord for those opportunities because it's something I loved to do, and yet again, I've made God too small, thinking because I am not totally fluent how could I really share the Word or what's on my heart, yet God put this ministry in front of me and surrounded me with people who push me, which has been such a God-thing and a blessing-I'm so thankful to the Lord.

As I've mentioned earlier before, God has stretched me so much since being here, teaching me a lot and drawing me closer to Him. God is teaching me to really rely fully on Him and seek Him out more and more.
God is just wanting me to pursue Him and really grow more intimate with Him right now instead of relying on people. I can see God's wisdom in it all. For example, it is good that not a lot of people know English well because it forces me to speak the language more and reach out more. Also not having my close friends or family a phone call way, I feel like God is saying, Rhonda, I want this time with you, and this way you have less distractions and less people to talk to, so talk to me, share with me-so it's good just at time a little's definitely been a stretching couple of months, but at the same time, it's so cool b/c I have seen God is such awesome ways work in the little things-it's like I'm away from the normal distractions I had while I was at home or at school and am placed outside my comfort zone that I'm aware of God moving, even in the little things-so it's been so good and so challenging at the same time that I wouldn't trade it. I'm so thankful for the clearer picture God has given me of Himself and in ways He moves. I love Him so much more, and I pray that I continue to love more and more with each passing day! Thanks again for y'all's prayers!

Because of Christ,

Friday, October 1, 2010

Catching a Glimpse

Welcome to the first day of October!! Here in Mexico, God gave me a little taste of home by providing fallish temperatures these past couple of days, which I have absolutely loved. However, several people here got sick because of the change of weather, so that's not great, but I can't lie, I have enjoyed it so much! It's fun to see the students come in winter coats, and I couldn't help but be amused when one of the little boys told me it was so cold it could snow. I had to sadly inform him that it actually had to be a lot colder for it to snow, but it was so cute!

Classes have been going pretty well. My boys were a little rowdy today, but all in all, they are getting into used the schedule, and they are learning so much. My kids are so cute and fun. They are beginning to speak more Spanglish, which I think is a good sign. For example, they were making an ocean, using a shoebox because I taught them animals under the sea, and one of my boys lost his octopus, so he said, "Maestra, falta mi octopus!" And if they really want something, for example to go get water, I think they believe if they speak English, I am going to give in, so they say, "Teacher, puedo tomar water, please?" It's so amusing. If they get desperate, Maestra turns into Teacher...I am enjoying it more each day, even through the frustrating times when they don't want to listen or when they call each other names. It's endearing when they all want to eat around my desk, so I moved all of us to a table, so they can all eat with me. It's encouraging when they remember their verse or the Bible story we talked about, or the eagerly show me their work, so proud they understood...especially the English. God is so good!

My Saturday class is so much fun as well. They are amazing people, and I really enjoy the relationships I'm making with them. Visitation went well yesterday. They are now making a rule that no one can speak English to me while we go on visitation, unless they want to learn an English I guess that's a good thing, though I must say, it's somewhat of a challenge...=) The youth pastor, Hermano Edgar, is such an example of the Lord. He is so full of knowledge and wisdom. It's challenging because he knows so many different passages and references. It reminds me of how much more disciplined I need to be in learning the word, and as 1 Peter 3:15 commands, we, as Christians, need to be ready every moment to give a reason for the hope that is within us. We might not always have a Bible with us or one with a concordance in the back, or in my case, I have to use a Spanish Bible, so I need to know the references to show people and encourage people using the Word.

One thing the Holy Spirit is showing me is a glimpse of how He feels when His children sin, including me, and it's really eye-opening as well as humbling. My students, especially among the boys, have a real problem with name calling and hitting each other. And it breaks my heart. There are days when it seems endless, and they are being so mean to each other, and it makes me want to cry. And I was praying about it earlier this week, asking the Holy Spirit to show me ways to teach them and show them how to show love toward each other instead of hate and anger. And while I was praying and thinking about it, the Holy Spirit just "hit" me, helping me realize that this is just a glimpse of how He feels when we sin. When we sin, it hurts and saddens Him. Ephesians 4:30 clearly commands us not to grieve the Holy Spirit. I love my students, and when they are mean to each other, it makes me so sad, yet when we sin, we grieve the Holy Spirit, which is much more than simply making Him sad, which is worse enough. And thinking about how I feel toward my students, I am able to catch just a small glimpse of how my sin affects my loving Father, my Abba, who sent His Son to die in order to give me life. It's been such a humbling lesson, yet one I will never forget. It has made me hate sin even more, not merely because of the consequence but now much more because what it does to my precious Father. Thank the Lord for the lessons He teaches us to bring us into a more intimate relationship with Him!
Because of Christ,