So, throughout my 9 months here, I have numerously said, "Wait, what?" Usually it pertains to them wanting me to do something that was totally outside my comfort zone, which yes, I know, that's So, one would think that I would have learned that by now and just go with the flow; however, these past weeks, I think I have used this phrase almost every other day...okay, not that bad.
The first time was on cinco de mayo (which, it is celebrated more in the US than Mexico-ironic is it not?) Anyway, Elizabeth, the Guzman's daughter, came over to play some "board games"; however, it was an excuse for some of my friends, headed by these two 15 yr old twins, Melissa and Montse, who are amazing, to throw me a surprise birthday party with an American, chocolate, chocolate cake (Mexican cake is quite different) with M&Ms-yes, they know me well;) I'm just so blessed that the Lord provided me with some fantastic friends here, and though at times there is a language barrier, we are sisters in Christ and true friends, whom I will miss when I return to the States.
Then the next day, was a "Wait...what?" experience because in Mexico, they celebrate Kid's Day, to celebrated kids, on April 30th, but we were on Spring break, so we celebrated it May 6th. It was a lot of fun. We went to Pizza Hut, and the kids played on their playground, learned how the pizza made, and made their own personal pizzas. It was a fun and unique experience, especially when my kids asked me what we did in America for Kid's Day and watching their shocked faces when I told them that we don't have a Kid's Day in the was priceless.
Another culture difference is Mother's Day here is always May 10th-so this year, I made sure my mom had two Mother's Day=) It was funny to be asked about it because on Sunday, I wrote on my mom's facebook to wish her a Happy Birthday, and they were like, Rhonda, Mother's Day isn't until Tuesday, and I said, "Not in the States", but we celebrated Mother's Day with a mini-program at the school. I taught my mothers a "Mexican Chip-Dip"-kind of ironic that I'm in Mexico teaching a "Mexican" recipe, and then my embarrassing, "Wait...what" moment, came when Mrs. Guzman made me speak Spanish in front of all the parents. Yes, I still get so embarrassed speaking Spanish in front of a lot of people-but I survived-God is so good=)
God is still teaching me so much about depending upon Him and waiting on Him. He is constant and is constantly pursuing His children. We simply need to sit at His feet and pursue Him, resting in Him and falling in love of Him-He truly is awesome-there are times I just stand in awe of His love and His desire He has to want a relationship with me-enjoy Him and your relationship with Him!
Because of Christ,