Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's Not About Understanding

If a man is going to do anything worthwhile, there are times when he has to risk everything on his leap, and in the spiritual domain, Jesus Christ demands that you risk everything you hold by common sense and leap into what He says, and immediately you do, you find that what He says fits on as solidly as common sense…Trust entirely in God, and when He brings you to the venture, see that you take it. We act like pagans in a crisis, only one out of a crowd is daring enough to take it. ~Oswald Chambers

Today marks 10 months since I’ve moved to Mexico, and God has taught me so much. I am humbled and in awe that He takes the time to patiently teach me and refine me even after I struggle so much. The past two and half months, God has been teaching me about trust. It’s easy for me to tell the Lord how much I trust Him when I know what I’m doing, when I’m comfortable, when I see what His plan, when I understand what’s happening. It’s when He takes it all away and asks, “Rhonda, do you trust me? Do you really trust me? Will you follow me no matter if you can’t see the reason, when you don’t see the end? Can you act on your words?”

I’m in a time in my life, where I don’t understand God’s purpose for asking me what He is asking me to do. I only know vaguely the where-I don’t know the why, the what, the how. And I’m not going to lie; it’s been hard not to understand. There are times where I’ve been angry, I’ve been discouraged, and I’ve just been tired all around. Yet I have the most amazing Abba; He has not given up on me. In fact, He gently takes me and teaches me. When I thought I couldn’t handle not knowing anything, He lovingly pointed me to scripture and people to remind me that it’s not about understanding but about trusting in who He is and His promises to me and the simple fact that when I accepted Him as a Savior, I gave Him my life, surrendering to do His will. This past week, I really grasped what Philippians 1:6 and 2:13 talk about-it’s true, God is still working in me according to His good pleasure. My sister reminded me that the Bible talks about the unimportance of understanding; it’s Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” I have a God who loves me above measure, whom I gave my life too…it’s His to use, I simply need to follow. Like the quote above, most of the things worth doing, takes risks…the risk for me: trust without understanding, yet is it that much a risk when I serve the God of gods, who has shown me the ultimate love? Does He deserve any less?

Because of Christ,