Friday, August 27, 2010

Crazy Times=)

I officially finished my first week as a teacher-crazy!! It's been challenging but so much fun! Last Saturday, I taught people English who go to the church where I'm working. There were about ten people who showed up; which I'm thankful for-it's easier and more fun with a smaller group. And they understood everything, and tomorrow, I'll see if they remember it all=). As for my school class, I have six first and second graders. They are a lot of fun and a bit rambunctious. Then when Mrs. Guzman teaches them Spanish for an hour, I teach for 30 minutes, two 2 year olds and one 3 year old (who can now count to 5 in English=) ), and then I teach ten 4 and 5 year olds English for 30 minutes. They are so much fun, and after they learned "My name is", they asked me if I could teach them English not sure if they quite understood Teaching my main six kids is so much fun, and they are extremely patient with my Spanish-even when they have to repeat their questions like five times, or they look at me with such confusion. Mrs. Guzman wants me to talk in as much English as I can, so when I do, one of my students, Daniel, usually will say, "No entiendo ingles, Maestra" (I don't understand English, teacher); it's really cute. And one more funny story, when I ask them, "Are you ready?" They say, "Yes, let's go", every time in this cute little accent they have. I also get to have devotions everyday with them, and Mrs. Guzman told me that she knows two of them received Christ last year, so please pray for the other four, that they will receive Christ this year, or at least the Lord will use me to plant the seeds as well as be a light for Him in their lives, displaying His love everyday.

People have asked me what my favorite part is about being here in Mexico. And immediately I answer the people. They hve been so encouraging to me and always ask about me, and today, one of the teachers brought me food. These little outreaches have meant so much to me, since I'm away from my friends and family. Yet these people have welcomed me and encouraged me in various way that leaves me just thanking God for them and for His faithfulness. We had parents night last night, and even my parents tried to speak to me (we mostly spoke in Spanglish), and they were just so sweet. God is just so faithful!

There are times of feeling inadequate as a teache and simply trying to grasp the languag, but I've been reading Acts, and it talks about how the high priest and officials were amazed because these were simple, uneducated men, yet God used them in an amazing way. And when the Christians prayed for boldness, the Holy Spirit gave them boldness to work in His name. He is the Holy Spirit and the same God who works in my life. God calls us to be faithful, and though we may be "foolish" in the eyes of the world or "uneducated", He uses them to shame the wise as He says in 1 Corinthians 1. God has been so faithful in these three weeks I've been here, and I am excited to see what else He has in store for me, for His glory! Thanks again for all y'all's prayers!

Because of Christ,

PS The picture is four out of my six students with their art project (two of them were absent today)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Lessons Learned

Well, I can't believe I've been here for two weeks already. This week was spent putting my classroom together and making lesson plans-I already forgot how long they, but they are so much fun to create, trying to think of ways that make learning come alive for the students. School starts on Monday-so we'll see how it goes! I will be teaching 1st and 2nd graders, and then for an hour a day, I'll be teaching English to 2-5 year olds. Mrs. Guzman wants me to teach English for the first month to the 1st and 2nd graders, so hopefully they aren't too scared the first day of school=). On Saturday, though, I am going to be teaching anyone at the church who wants to learn English, and to be honest, I'm so nervous about this one-they are all at different stages of English not to mention there will be people older than me, which I don't know why that's intimidating, but it is-I think sometimes I get intimidated easily, but I'm just praying that God will use me for His glory!

In the two weeks I have been here, I have already learned so much, so I am excited (as well a little nervous) about what else God will be teaching me=) There have been times of discouragement and times where I have been wondering if God really picked the right person (as if He makes mistakes) but there are the times of feeling simply inadequate. However, when I am having these times of doubt, God is so faithful, whether is through His Word or simple words of wisdom from others. For example, this summer I read the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan, and he mentioned Jeremiah 1:6-10 and states, "When Jeremiah voices his hesitations and fears, God (the God of the galaxies) reaches out and touches his mouth. It's a gentle and affective gesture, something a loving parent would do. Trough this illustration, you realize that you don't have to worry about not meeting expectations. God will ensure your success in accordance to His plan, not mine." Well, I wrote down this quote in my journal and that night, I turned to this quote-God knew that I would need the reminder that it is in Him that I can do what He called me to do-to teach English to these amazing people, to take advantage of opportunities to serve people in His name for His glory. Another friend reminded me to look at Moses as well; he claimed that he couldn't speak, yet through the power of God, he led a whole country up to the Promise Land. That's the same God, who works through any of His children as long as we remain surrendered to Him, following Him where He leads! So is it alright for me to feel inadequate? Yes! Since, as Paul claims in 2 Corinthians 3:5, we are only adequate in our Lord-so, let us together not be crippled by our fears, but instead be empowered by the Holy Spirit that the Lord gives to all His children and follow Him and serve Him in whatever capacity He leads you to!
Because of Christ,

Friday, August 13, 2010

I have been in Mexico for six days now-in some ways it has seemed longer, but at other times, it seems like it was yesterday. The people here at the church where the missionaries have their main ministry have been amazing, especially the Guzman's (the missionaries I'm working with), they are so welcoming and loving.
My dad, who flew with me, left on Wednesday, but he had a wonderful time here and enjoyed Chiapas, which made me smile. These people have a part of my heart, so I enjoyed showing my dad and now my mom, who came yesterday, the place God has led me to right now.
My apartment is so nice. The Guzman's painted it yellow for me! I learned to turn the pump on for water when I run out, which I usually have to turn it on for about 15 min. everyday, and right now, I take cold showers; however, Mama Guzman told me that she is going to have someone fix it soon b/c she hates cold showers-for that I'm thankful!
I have started lesson plans-it is getting me excited to start teaching, though it is a little overwhelming b/c at this moment I have the books stacked up according to subjects-but I get to start with the meetings and decorating my room next Monday, and then a week from Monday, I start-I am excited to meet my students and pour into their lives!
God has been so awesome-He is so faithful. There have been some times of discouragement when I'm sitting for example, in the church service, and I'm lucky if I understand half of But on Wednesday night after having an rather difficult time understanding the sermon (though I had an English Bible too, which helps=) ), one of my friends, Bethsy, came up to me, and we had a 10 min. conversation in Spanish; it was such a God-thing, sending me encouragement when I just wanted to throw in the towel. I am actually going to help Bethsy with her English, and she told me she'd help me with my Spanish=) God is so faithful; it's so humbling and leaves me in amazement at the God I serve, who will provide what I need, even if it's simply an encouraging conversation!
Because of Christ,
PS- I learned how to make coffee-not for me, I'm still not Mexican in that area-but now I'm ready for visitors~ thanks to my dad who taught me how to make coffee=)