What a week I've had-it's been challenging and good, all at the same time; that's just like God, who as I keep on saying, I know, is so faithful as well as good teacher! Teaching the people at the church is going really well. They are learning, though they are a little shy about speaking it. On Saturday morning, I went with the youth group to the juvenile detention home, where they go every Saturday. At first, when I was asked to go, I was reluctant because how much could I do with my limited Spanish, but I can make excuses easily, so I decided to go because I want to get to know the teens better, and to learn Spanish, I need to get over my nervousness and speak it. So, I went with them, and I helped the youth pastor's wife with passing out the food, as well as prayed while the message was being shared. About ten teens received Christ-which was truly awesome!! I went there wondering why I even went, but I did get to see some of the youth group's passion as well as simply pray, and there is power in prayer. Though at times I feel like I might not be able to do much, there is always the option of prayer, which is easy to underestimate the power of prayer, but remember, just as I need to do, I can always pray, no matter where you are or what you are doing!
The same night, after youth group, the youth pastor's wife came and took me to a house of one of the girls in the youth group for her birthday. It was a lot of fun, and it showed me a glimpse of their culture. The encouraging thing about being here is the people. I can't begin to explain how encouraging the people at the church are, from the teens to the adults. They are constantly asking how I am doing and making sure I'm doing alright. They also feed me whenever they have food, which is always a blessing=) But I do thank God for this church body who has accepted me with open arms; it's just another way how God is faithful in the little things!
My little kids are doing learning English-which they are so cute! The story of the week is I was teaching them the question, "May I go to the bathroom?" and one of my kids asked me, "Puedo ir al bathroom?"-So though they are learning English, it's more spanglish, but hey that's works for me! They also enjoy teaching me Spanish as I teach them English! But continue to pray for them that they will grow in the Lord as well as simply learn. I really do enjoy teaching them and am really learning how to love them.
This past summer, God really challenged me with what love truly looks like, especially in 1 Corinthians 13, which of course I know, but in a book I read, it challenged the readers to substitute love with your name, and ask yourself if that describes you-it's convicting. I have a challenging student in my class, and everyday I pray for my students and really ask God to help me to show love to each and everyone of them and to be a light for Christ. Yesterday was reallyrough with my little "trouble child", and I'm not going to lie, it was pretty discouraging, but while he threw a tantrum, it was totally the Holy Spirit because He just gave me patience for Him, and today when he came in, I just prayed for the attitude of love, and He was so faithful in giving me more patience, which as 1 Corinthians 13 says is part of love. Also, in most of the sermons and in my quiet time, it has been full of examples and verses that talk about that the Lord is the one who gives strength in the midst of our weakness and will work through us for His glory. So this week to sum it up has been full of little things in which God has made Himself known! May we continue to seek Him and allow Him to teach us and mold us for His use!
Because of Christ,
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