I know that today is Sunday, but I decided to wait until today because I have as of today, been here for three months, so I wait until today and write. How fast these three months have flown by-at times, I wake up still not believing that I’m actually living in Mexico. Other days, I feel like I have been here forever (until I find myself not being able to say exactly what I want to say in Spanish…lol). These three months have been filled with so many blessings, lessons, and countless first.
As for the firsts (I’ll just cover this week or this blog will become a novel)-I got to see the Pacific Ocean for the first time on Monday=) It was so warm, and I was able to see the sun start to set across the ocean. While I was there, I tried octopus for the first time; it was chewy but good; I also saw sharks (at least that is what those around me said) in the ocean. I experienced my first bonfire without s’mores (they don’t have graham crackers) on Monday as well-there was a bonfire/all-nighter with the youth group, which was a lot of fun. I also (for the first time) taught a couple of the girls from the youth group how to make crepes and chocolate chip cookies-soon, they want to learn how to make brownies-I think they think Americans only eat dessert, what can I say? But for those who know me, you’re probably shocked that they asked me to teach them how to cook-I was pretty speechless, but God works miracles, and so far, I haven’t ruined anything I’ve cooked!!
My kids are still doing well. I’m teaching them a couple of songs for the Christmas program coming up, and one of my kids asked me to teach them a Halloween song (remember, he is asking this on November 3rd), so unfortunately, I had to crush his desire by not only telling him Halloween is past but that we don’t have songs for Halloween-I think he’ll be okay. In seriousness, my kids are a blast and are slowly getting into the swing of things and starting to get along…though please continue to pray for them.
I find myself more and more speaking Spanglish; there are times where I’m talking to the Guzmans in English, and randomly, I say a word in Spanish instead of English. And there are times where I’m talking in Spanish and say a word in English (even when I know the Spanish equivalent)-I’m not sure if this is a good sign or a sign that I’m losing both language and soon won’t be able to converse at all…hopefully it’s the sign I’m slowly becoming bilingual. The youth pastor and the teens find it a blast to use the English they know, so yesterday, the five of us that went to the juvenile detention home spoke a mixture of Spanglish-it was pretty funny-and I think Spanglish should be an official language!
During my three months here, God has taught me so much and has really taught me how to be dependent on Him and to wait on Him. I don’t know what the future holds, but it’s okay. God calls us to live day by day, walking in His Spirit. I know He will lead me, and while He is being silent about the future, He is telling me to live today to the fullest, bringing Him the glory by serving Him with my whole heart day to day, leaning on His strength and not to be paralyzed by excuses but being confident in Him.
Lastly, I want to thank all y’all for y’all’s prayers-they have meant so much to me, and I ask y’all to continue to pray for me!
Because of Christ,
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