I’m so sorry for not updating in two week…unacceptable I know. The first thing I must share is that of early this morning (3:20am) I became an aunt to now, two adorable nephews=)
My class is getting better each day, which is encouraging, thanks to the Lord. I can’t believe it’s almost Christmas. I made an advent calendar for my class, so each day we do something for Christmas. They absolutely love it. I did introduce stockings to them (I had to bring some American culture to them, right??) I’m glad they like Christmas because I love everything about Christmas, plus it helps me from being away from home. We have a Christmas program next Thursday, and I’m so proud of all my classes learning some Christmas Carols in English, and they have so much fun with it.
Talking about traditions, I invited a few friends over to decorate sugar cookies, which I had to make from scratch-and I didn’t ruin them!! They had a lot of fun, and they were so creative, a lot more than I was. It was such a fun, good time. I’m so thankful that the Lord gave me the boldness to actually ask people to come over...it was such a good night!
On Monday, the teens and some people from the church and I are going to be passing out blankets to the teens in the juvenile detention home as well as food for Christmas. I’m excited, and I ask that y’all pray that these teens will feel the love of God and be receptive to the Gospel. For the season is about the gift Jesus gave to the world when He came to the earth, and hopefully these teens will accept Christ. So please continue to pray for this ministry that I have the amazing privilege of participating in.
As for the lessons I’m learning, I am waiting on the Lord for some things, and I have to confess that I’m not a patient person, so it’s been really challenging to simply rest in the Lord and wait for His direction and answer. But on Wednesday night, the pastor spoke on Lamentations 3:22 and how we should remember how God’s compassion never fails, even in those periods when we are waiting. When I got home, I read the verses following, and verse 25 says, “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him.” It was just so reassuring to remember that He will show me in His time because He is faithful and will fulfill His promises. So, I simply need to remember exactly who God is, whom I serve. Isn’t He so awesome??!!
Because of Christ,
I'm so proud of you for inviting people over and for making sugar cookies from scratch! You're going to be the best cook in the family after this year! I can't wait to talk to you and I love you!