Friday, July 8, 2011
Goodbyes and Hellos
Today, started with one of my students saying, “Maestra, I won’t see you any more after today.” As the year has ended, I have six days until I return to the States. My heart is full of emotions. The comforting thing is after I spend the week saying goodbyes, I get to end it with hellos.
I have such peace and joy in knowing that though I’m leaving precious friends and lovable students, God is leading me for right now to the States. There is no where I’d rather be than in the middle of where God wants me to do. Whatever the future holds, it will be an amazing, not always easy but worth it, journey because I have such a faithful Lord. I cannot begin to even tell you everything He has taught me in my time in Mexico. I have shared some on past blogs, but He has stretched, grown, and molded me, and He is continuing to do that as He draws me closer to Himself, for He knows that I still have a far way to go.
As I said, this week is going to be a time of goodbyes. The teachers and students through me a surprise pizza party to say thanks and goodbye, and the youth group last night threw me a surprise goodbye party as well. I am leaving behind people whom I have grown to love, like Melissa and Montse, who are twins that come over at least once a week, the Guzmans, who have treated me like family, Gloria and Lili, some of the most wonderful co-workers I’ve had the privilege to not only work with but also become friends with. The list goes on….I leave though not empty because even if I can never come to even visit again, the cool part is we are still part of the family of God, and it’s such a sweet reminder that no matter where I am, not only can I pray for them but one day will get to see each other not for a little bit but for eternity. Leaving this time, reminds me of my first mission trip ever to Honduras, and when we were at the airport, our friend we made there, Alex, was dropping us off, and as he said bye, he told us, “See you in Heaven.” We of course were like, that’s so sad we probably won’t see you until then, but it’s bittersweet because though it might be true it’s still the hope we have in God. So as I say goodbye to amazing people who have impacted my life, I leave confidently knowing that the Lord is leading me.
And in six days, I get to see my fantastic family who have supported me with each step I have taken even if it leads me to a different country or not=) Not to mention, I will be able to see friends who have also supported, encouraged, and prayed for me. So for some it’s goodbye and for some it’s hello.
Because of Christ,
Monday, July 4, 2011
Memorable Quotes and a Time for Celebration
I don't know if I was as excited for July 4th as I was today-my guess is because when you are in a different country, you are simply more patriotic. So how does one celebrate independence day when not in one's country-well, I decided to celebrate with my students. I made them hamburgers, potato salad, and ice cream sundaes (they liked the sundaes the best). It was so much fun=)
Since this is the last week of school-which is so hard to believe that a whole school year has past- I decided to share some of the things my students have said over the year. They have been such a joy to teach, and I'm going to miss them a lot! Enjoy the quotes=)
~Can we play one(uno) teacher?-all my kids
~Teacher, it's going to be sad in Heaven because you'll be speaking English.-Martha
~May I check water please?-Cristian (he wanted to say, May I drink water)
~Maestra, tu puedes hablar espanol perfectamente- Martha and Helly (Teacher, you can speak Spanish perfectly-they're exaggerating quite a
~Do you have a stick that you can hit people with like a pinata?-Helly asking my brother-in-law, David, who's a cop when they where interviewing him about his job
~Maestra, why do your eyes always change from green to brown to green again?-Helly
~Man, teacherman.-Danny, who used to think every profession ended with man like firemant
~Maestra, in the US, do you drink water from the sink? Yes. You drink dirty water!-Naomi and Cristian
~Maestra, it's difficult to teach you Spanish, and it's difficult to teach us English, right?-Danny
~Maestra, why do you have green eyes, and we just have brown eyes?-Helly
~Maestra, you're more Mexican than American now. Why? Because your skin is darker!-Helly
~Teach, teach, I need help!-Danny ("Teach" is short for teacher b/c here people can shorten most words-so Danny decided to apply that to English as well!)
God has blessed me and taught me so much-it has been such an adventure and privilege to teach my kids this year!
Because of Christ,
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
It's Not About Understanding
If a man is going to do anything worthwhile, there are times when he has to risk everything on his leap, and in the spiritual domain, Jesus Christ demands that you risk everything you hold by common sense and leap into what He says, and immediately you do, you find that what He says fits on as solidly as common sense…Trust entirely in God, and when He brings you to the venture, see that you take it. We act like pagans in a crisis, only one out of a crowd is daring enough to take it. ~Oswald Chambers
Today marks 10 months since I’ve moved to Mexico, and God has taught me so much. I am humbled and in awe that He takes the time to patiently teach me and refine me even after I struggle so much. The past two and half months, God has been teaching me about trust. It’s easy for me to tell the Lord how much I trust Him when I know what I’m doing, when I’m comfortable, when I see what His plan, when I understand what’s happening. It’s when He takes it all away and asks, “Rhonda, do you trust me? Do you really trust me? Will you follow me no matter if you can’t see the reason, when you don’t see the end? Can you act on your words?”
I’m in a time in my life, where I don’t understand God’s purpose for asking me what He is asking me to do. I only know vaguely the where-I don’t know the why, the what, the how. And I’m not going to lie; it’s been hard not to understand. There are times where I’ve been angry, I’ve been discouraged, and I’ve just been tired all around. Yet I have the most amazing Abba; He has not given up on me. In fact, He gently takes me and teaches me. When I thought I couldn’t handle not knowing anything, He lovingly pointed me to scripture and people to remind me that it’s not about understanding but about trusting in who He is and His promises to me and the simple fact that when I accepted Him as a Savior, I gave Him my life, surrendering to do His will. This past week, I really grasped what Philippians 1:6 and 2:13 talk about-it’s true, God is still working in me according to His good pleasure. My sister reminded me that the Bible talks about the unimportance of understanding; it’s Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” I have a God who loves me above measure, whom I gave my life too…it’s His to use, I simply need to follow. Like the quote above, most of the things worth doing, takes risks…the risk for me: trust without understanding, yet is it that much a risk when I serve the God of gods, who has shown me the ultimate love? Does He deserve any less?
Because of Christ,
Today marks 10 months since I’ve moved to Mexico, and God has taught me so much. I am humbled and in awe that He takes the time to patiently teach me and refine me even after I struggle so much. The past two and half months, God has been teaching me about trust. It’s easy for me to tell the Lord how much I trust Him when I know what I’m doing, when I’m comfortable, when I see what His plan, when I understand what’s happening. It’s when He takes it all away and asks, “Rhonda, do you trust me? Do you really trust me? Will you follow me no matter if you can’t see the reason, when you don’t see the end? Can you act on your words?”
I’m in a time in my life, where I don’t understand God’s purpose for asking me what He is asking me to do. I only know vaguely the where-I don’t know the why, the what, the how. And I’m not going to lie; it’s been hard not to understand. There are times where I’ve been angry, I’ve been discouraged, and I’ve just been tired all around. Yet I have the most amazing Abba; He has not given up on me. In fact, He gently takes me and teaches me. When I thought I couldn’t handle not knowing anything, He lovingly pointed me to scripture and people to remind me that it’s not about understanding but about trusting in who He is and His promises to me and the simple fact that when I accepted Him as a Savior, I gave Him my life, surrendering to do His will. This past week, I really grasped what Philippians 1:6 and 2:13 talk about-it’s true, God is still working in me according to His good pleasure. My sister reminded me that the Bible talks about the unimportance of understanding; it’s Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” I have a God who loves me above measure, whom I gave my life too…it’s His to use, I simply need to follow. Like the quote above, most of the things worth doing, takes risks…the risk for me: trust without understanding, yet is it that much a risk when I serve the God of gods, who has shown me the ultimate love? Does He deserve any less?
Because of Christ,
Saturday, May 14, 2011
So, throughout my 9 months here, I have numerously said, "Wait, what?" Usually it pertains to them wanting me to do something that was totally outside my comfort zone, which yes, I know, that's So, one would think that I would have learned that by now and just go with the flow; however, these past weeks, I think I have used this phrase almost every other day...okay, not that bad.
The first time was on cinco de mayo (which, it is celebrated more in the US than Mexico-ironic is it not?) Anyway, Elizabeth, the Guzman's daughter, came over to play some "board games"; however, it was an excuse for some of my friends, headed by these two 15 yr old twins, Melissa and Montse, who are amazing, to throw me a surprise birthday party with an American, chocolate, chocolate cake (Mexican cake is quite different) with M&Ms-yes, they know me well;) I'm just so blessed that the Lord provided me with some fantastic friends here, and though at times there is a language barrier, we are sisters in Christ and true friends, whom I will miss when I return to the States.
Then the next day, was a "Wait...what?" experience because in Mexico, they celebrate Kid's Day, to celebrated kids, on April 30th, but we were on Spring break, so we celebrated it May 6th. It was a lot of fun. We went to Pizza Hut, and the kids played on their playground, learned how the pizza made, and made their own personal pizzas. It was a fun and unique experience, especially when my kids asked me what we did in America for Kid's Day and watching their shocked faces when I told them that we don't have a Kid's Day in the was priceless.
Another culture difference is Mother's Day here is always May 10th-so this year, I made sure my mom had two Mother's Day=) It was funny to be asked about it because on Sunday, I wrote on my mom's facebook to wish her a Happy Birthday, and they were like, Rhonda, Mother's Day isn't until Tuesday, and I said, "Not in the States", but we celebrated Mother's Day with a mini-program at the school. I taught my mothers a "Mexican Chip-Dip"-kind of ironic that I'm in Mexico teaching a "Mexican" recipe, and then my embarrassing, "Wait...what" moment, came when Mrs. Guzman made me speak Spanish in front of all the parents. Yes, I still get so embarrassed speaking Spanish in front of a lot of people-but I survived-God is so good=)
God is still teaching me so much about depending upon Him and waiting on Him. He is constant and is constantly pursuing His children. We simply need to sit at His feet and pursue Him, resting in Him and falling in love of Him-He truly is awesome-there are times I just stand in awe of His love and His desire He has to want a relationship with me-enjoy Him and your relationship with Him!
Because of Christ,
Friday, April 29, 2011
First, I must apologize-I just realized that I have not blogged in over two months. I have been busy, but I know that that is really not an excuse. My first college roomie, who is also a good friend, blogs and took a challenge to blog everyday for a month-so proud Amy=), though it makes me feel bad that I can't even blog once a week, but I will work on it-promise!!
Well, these past two weeks I have been on as they call it here "Semana Santa", which directly translated means, "Holy Week"-but we would consider it Spring Break. I'm not going to lie-April has probably been the hardest month so far-it was a busy month, and I just struggled a lot with various issues and spiritual warfare. But as I had these two weeks off, I thought back to when I was an RA, and the director, before our Christmas and Spring breaks, he would challenge us to think about it has "half-time" and "time-out" and reflect on the ministry we were doing on our halls. So thinking of that, I thought a lot about my New Year's Resolutions, how was I doing with those, as well as the goals I have as a teacher, and how I was with the most important aspect-my relationship with God. As I said, April has been an extremely challenging month, yet as I reflected back these four months and then to the almost 9 months I've been here, I can see how God is still at work, still at my side, even through the hard times. It doesn't matter if I struggle or if I grow discourage, what matters is that I remember to look to Him, my Refuge, my Strength, my Comforter. There is this amazing song called "Blessings" by Laura Story I heard today (the lyrics are below) that talked about how there are times God uses the low points in life at times, the pain, the confusion, the loneliness, the "whatever" to teach us, to bless us by molding us, to refining us-to be refined, we must go through fire-through pain to come out as a beautiful vessel to be used by the One who is worthy, the One who promises to be right there, by our side when we follow Him!!
Because of Christ,
Blessings-Laura Story
We pray for blessings
We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love is way too much to give us lesser things
'Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise
We pray for wisdom
Your voice to hear
We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt your goodness, we doubt your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
All the while, You hear each desperate plea
As long as we have faith to believe
When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know that pain reminds this heart
That this is not our home
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy
What if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are your mercies in disguise
Well, these past two weeks I have been on as they call it here "Semana Santa", which directly translated means, "Holy Week"-but we would consider it Spring Break. I'm not going to lie-April has probably been the hardest month so far-it was a busy month, and I just struggled a lot with various issues and spiritual warfare. But as I had these two weeks off, I thought back to when I was an RA, and the director, before our Christmas and Spring breaks, he would challenge us to think about it has "half-time" and "time-out" and reflect on the ministry we were doing on our halls. So thinking of that, I thought a lot about my New Year's Resolutions, how was I doing with those, as well as the goals I have as a teacher, and how I was with the most important aspect-my relationship with God. As I said, April has been an extremely challenging month, yet as I reflected back these four months and then to the almost 9 months I've been here, I can see how God is still at work, still at my side, even through the hard times. It doesn't matter if I struggle or if I grow discourage, what matters is that I remember to look to Him, my Refuge, my Strength, my Comforter. There is this amazing song called "Blessings" by Laura Story I heard today (the lyrics are below) that talked about how there are times God uses the low points in life at times, the pain, the confusion, the loneliness, the "whatever" to teach us, to bless us by molding us, to refining us-to be refined, we must go through fire-through pain to come out as a beautiful vessel to be used by the One who is worthy, the One who promises to be right there, by our side when we follow Him!!
Because of Christ,
Blessings-Laura Story
We pray for blessings
We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love is way too much to give us lesser things
'Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise
We pray for wisdom
Your voice to hear
We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt your goodness, we doubt your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
All the while, You hear each desperate plea
As long as we have faith to believe
When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know that pain reminds this heart
That this is not our home
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy
What if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are your mercies in disguise
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Little Things
This blog is just going to be about the little things that make me smile, even now thinking about them...some have to do with my students, others with my amazing co-workers, and lastly, about my amazing Abba=)
Last week, it all started when one of my girls asked, "Maestra, why do you have freckles?" So, I explained that my mom had a lot, so I have them as well. Then another of my students spoke up and said she thought it was because of the sun. I then further explained how if I am in the sun, I do get even more freckles. With that said, my kids immediately pulled me out into the sun and stared intently at my arm for like 5 minutes, though I kept telling them that it's a gradual thing, that it won't happen immediately (I think they were a little disappointed). It was really cute=)
Then today, one of my boys complained to me that no one wanted to play with him during recess, so I told him I'd play for him-though I admit, I just wanted to get some stuff done, but I knew this is what I should do. He wanted to play tag, so soon all of my kids were playing with us-and it was so much fun. They even thought that if they were holding onto my arm or held my arm, they would somehow escape from being tag from whomever was it at the moment. But I had a blast-it was such a highlight to the day!
Last week, the two teachers I work with invited me to go get tacos at this restaurant close by-and these teachers will bring me food to try or just help in anyway they can. It was just so much fun to hang out with them outside of school as they tried to explain the difference between all the different tacos-you would be surprised at all the different kinds. And it was amusing for them to say, "Rhonda, that has 'chile' in it, don't eat it-pica (it's spicy)!" They know me But it was so much fun to relax with them.
For my final "little thing"- at, times I find it hard to simply rest in the Lord and wait in Him when I am faced with a lot of unknown and confusion. Yet on Sunday, a dear friend of my sent me a text telling me to read Psalm 94:17-19, 22- and these verses are all about the comfort of the Lord, even in times of confusion. And it just humbled me to think how faithful He is even when I am struggling-what love is that?? I'm going to end with just writing verses 19 and 22, " When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Thy consolations delight my soul...But the Lord has been my stronghold, And my God the rock of my refuge."
Because of Christ,
Last week, it all started when one of my girls asked, "Maestra, why do you have freckles?" So, I explained that my mom had a lot, so I have them as well. Then another of my students spoke up and said she thought it was because of the sun. I then further explained how if I am in the sun, I do get even more freckles. With that said, my kids immediately pulled me out into the sun and stared intently at my arm for like 5 minutes, though I kept telling them that it's a gradual thing, that it won't happen immediately (I think they were a little disappointed). It was really cute=)
Then today, one of my boys complained to me that no one wanted to play with him during recess, so I told him I'd play for him-though I admit, I just wanted to get some stuff done, but I knew this is what I should do. He wanted to play tag, so soon all of my kids were playing with us-and it was so much fun. They even thought that if they were holding onto my arm or held my arm, they would somehow escape from being tag from whomever was it at the moment. But I had a blast-it was such a highlight to the day!
Last week, the two teachers I work with invited me to go get tacos at this restaurant close by-and these teachers will bring me food to try or just help in anyway they can. It was just so much fun to hang out with them outside of school as they tried to explain the difference between all the different tacos-you would be surprised at all the different kinds. And it was amusing for them to say, "Rhonda, that has 'chile' in it, don't eat it-pica (it's spicy)!" They know me But it was so much fun to relax with them.
For my final "little thing"- at, times I find it hard to simply rest in the Lord and wait in Him when I am faced with a lot of unknown and confusion. Yet on Sunday, a dear friend of my sent me a text telling me to read Psalm 94:17-19, 22- and these verses are all about the comfort of the Lord, even in times of confusion. And it just humbled me to think how faithful He is even when I am struggling-what love is that?? I'm going to end with just writing verses 19 and 22, " When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Thy consolations delight my soul...But the Lord has been my stronghold, And my God the rock of my refuge."
Because of Christ,
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
God Moments
God has totally wowed me this past week. And if you ask me what big thing He did-I couldn’t answer. It’s just the little blessings He’s done this week, when I wasn’t even looking for it-Honestly, God is just so awesome!!
Last Thursday, I went to this little convenient store across the street; the lady who owns it, Leite, is an older woman who is super sweet. For Christmas, I made her brownies and varies homemade cookies, and this past Thursday, I went in there to get something, and her daughter, I believe, asked me to come over on Friday and eat with them and asked me if I would teach her how to make brownies. I’m so excited because I’m not sure if they’re Christians or not, but I’ve been wanting to somehow reach out to people around me, but I wasn’t sure how because my Spanish isn’t the greatest, and it’s hard here to break past that. However, without even praying about it-which I should have-God provided this for me. So this Friday, I will be teaching her how to make brownies and get to know Leite and her family more=)
This past week at school, we had cultural week, where each day, Monday-Thursday we learned about a different culture. The kids loved it, and I love learning and researching different cultures, so it was a fun week. Then on Friday, the parents brought in food from the different countries. Usually, Mrs. Guzman brings in someone to do a special presentation for the parents and kids; however, this year, she couldn’t find someone. Therefore, the Kinder 1 teacher thought of this “great” idea that I should play the flute for them because one of the countries we studied about was Ireland. Needless to say, I was super nervous because at the wedding, I didn’t know anyone and at the quincenera , it was just people from the church, but this time it was my parents-in my mind a whole new level (I’m a wimp, I know), but I firmly believe that when God gives you an opportunity, in my case to play the flute, and someone asks you to use it for His glory, you should do it. Thanks be to God, I played well. That itself was a God-thing, but the other God moment, is that one of my students’ mom is learning to the play the flute. She came up to me afterward and asked me if I would allow her to come in the afternoon sometime and just play with me. I’m again really excited for this opportunity to get to know one of my parents more-such a blessing.
This past weekend proved to be another God-moment. I had to go to the border of Guatemala to get my VISA extended. So the Guzmans took me to a city that is about 30 min. from Guatemala. Dr. Guzman’s brother-in-law is friends with a man who used to work immigration, and I haven’t met either one of these men. Yet, they used their connections to not only stamp my passport without us actually having to go across the border, but they also got me 6 months here rather than the usual three, which works out perfectly-how awesome is God??? Also, the Guzman’s sister and brother-in-law and niece were so hospitable and nice; it was such a nice trip.
Lastly, the church gave me a box of staple items and two of my students from my Saturday English classes gave me some food. And I also started asking for prayer requests if any of my helpers have some, and I was able to pray for some of them, which was encouraging b/c sometimes, I feel like I can’t do that much because of the language barrier that I’m so nervous about, but as undeserving as I am, God still allowed me the privilege to pray for them! Then yesterday, I received a Christmas package from my mom, and the same day, I received a care-package from a dear friend, who is like my little sister=) Everyday there is always something to give thanks to God for…this past week though, He just awed me-it’s so humbling to receive blessings from the Lord-praise be to Him!!
Because of Christ,
Last Thursday, I went to this little convenient store across the street; the lady who owns it, Leite, is an older woman who is super sweet. For Christmas, I made her brownies and varies homemade cookies, and this past Thursday, I went in there to get something, and her daughter, I believe, asked me to come over on Friday and eat with them and asked me if I would teach her how to make brownies. I’m so excited because I’m not sure if they’re Christians or not, but I’ve been wanting to somehow reach out to people around me, but I wasn’t sure how because my Spanish isn’t the greatest, and it’s hard here to break past that. However, without even praying about it-which I should have-God provided this for me. So this Friday, I will be teaching her how to make brownies and get to know Leite and her family more=)
This past week at school, we had cultural week, where each day, Monday-Thursday we learned about a different culture. The kids loved it, and I love learning and researching different cultures, so it was a fun week. Then on Friday, the parents brought in food from the different countries. Usually, Mrs. Guzman brings in someone to do a special presentation for the parents and kids; however, this year, she couldn’t find someone. Therefore, the Kinder 1 teacher thought of this “great” idea that I should play the flute for them because one of the countries we studied about was Ireland. Needless to say, I was super nervous because at the wedding, I didn’t know anyone and at the quincenera , it was just people from the church, but this time it was my parents-in my mind a whole new level (I’m a wimp, I know), but I firmly believe that when God gives you an opportunity, in my case to play the flute, and someone asks you to use it for His glory, you should do it. Thanks be to God, I played well. That itself was a God-thing, but the other God moment, is that one of my students’ mom is learning to the play the flute. She came up to me afterward and asked me if I would allow her to come in the afternoon sometime and just play with me. I’m again really excited for this opportunity to get to know one of my parents more-such a blessing.
This past weekend proved to be another God-moment. I had to go to the border of Guatemala to get my VISA extended. So the Guzmans took me to a city that is about 30 min. from Guatemala. Dr. Guzman’s brother-in-law is friends with a man who used to work immigration, and I haven’t met either one of these men. Yet, they used their connections to not only stamp my passport without us actually having to go across the border, but they also got me 6 months here rather than the usual three, which works out perfectly-how awesome is God??? Also, the Guzman’s sister and brother-in-law and niece were so hospitable and nice; it was such a nice trip.
Lastly, the church gave me a box of staple items and two of my students from my Saturday English classes gave me some food. And I also started asking for prayer requests if any of my helpers have some, and I was able to pray for some of them, which was encouraging b/c sometimes, I feel like I can’t do that much because of the language barrier that I’m so nervous about, but as undeserving as I am, God still allowed me the privilege to pray for them! Then yesterday, I received a Christmas package from my mom, and the same day, I received a care-package from a dear friend, who is like my little sister=) Everyday there is always something to give thanks to God for…this past week though, He just awed me-it’s so humbling to receive blessings from the Lord-praise be to Him!!
Because of Christ,
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Taking Advantage of Every Moment
Well, here I am, a few weeks short of having been here for 6 months-where did the time go? Last week, my kids were a little rambunctious to say the least. By Friday afternoon, if I were honest, I was ready for another Christmas break;) However, it is at those moments when I feel spiritually attack, and lies come that say, “I’m the worst teacher.” “I don’t have strength to go one; I am at the end of ideas” that when I come on my knees in front of my amazing God, that He uses the Holy Spirit to convict and comfort me-what a mighty, loving God we serve! While I was praying and feeling sorry for myself, the Holy Spirit reminded me that I was there to reach each kid in their own way, and it’s not about me at all. I had to ask myself, “Rhonda, how can you individually show the Lord to each of your students-reaching to the different needs.” And it was such a good time to refocus and think about which kids just needs support and love that they may not feel all the time, who needs encouragement that they are smart and can do it, or who needs someone to just understand that they are naturally energetic, and it’s not a bad thing, you just have to control it. So, I am now trying to be more intentional with my 6 main kids. I want to reflect the love of God in my every action and word to each of my kids. I am enjoying them so much, and they are so eager to learn, which means I need to take advantage of every moment I’m given with them to reflect Christ in my life, allowing the Holy Spirit to work through me and not try to do it on my own. So instead of looking at myself, may I look to the Author and Perfecter of my faith and allow Him to continue to transform me and give me wisdom as I minister to each of my kids.
Because of Christ,
Because of Christ,
Monday, January 17, 2011
Still Learning...
Well, I am back at school from a nice, long Christmas break. We are now starting our second week, actually. My kids are doing pretty well. They remembered a lot of English which makes me excited!! In fact, one of my boys asked me the other day, “Teacher, how do you say octopus in Spanish I forgot?” And one of my girls asked the music teacher in English, “May I go to the bathroom?” And I must confess, I was quite excited=)
I did have a nice Christmas vacation. I got rest and just relaxed, while learning all sorts of new traditions here for Christmas, which I’ve already talked about some and for New Years. I spent New Year’s Eve with the youth pastor, his wife, and family-it is a lot bigger deal here than the States. You spend it with your extended family and eat a big meal, just like Christmas. There were of course fireworks, and they told me that there is a tradition that you eat 12 grapes, which signifies kind of like 12 wishes you have for that year, one grape for each months. New Year’s Resolutions aren’t as big here as they are in the States. Oh, and there is another fun tradition here-if you want to go on a trip in the New Year, when it’s 12, you’re suppose to walk around the block with a suitcase, but I will confess, I didn’t see anyone doing that, but that’s what I was told. The last culture thing I’ve recently learned is instead of the ides of March, they have the ides of January….five months and some, and I’m still learning=)
I am now in charge of the nursery in the church…which for those who know me well will find that funny. And my welcome gift was a baby who threw-up all over me…and I was ready to resign…lol. Just kidding. Actually, what helps motivate me is my older sister who has a hard time always being stuck taking care of her kids and not being able to enjoy worshipping the Lord-and it’s true that even mom’s need a break and have community with other believers and spend just time praising God, so I will hang in there through the thick and thin;)
I’ve been learning so much already this year, which I just thank God for. My future as of right now is unknown to me, and I was spending a lot of time stressing and worrying over it-because I really want to do whatever the Lord wants me to do and to be used of Him to the upmost capacity, whether that’s staying here, returning to the US, or going somewhere else. But this year (yes, I know it has only been 17 days so far) I really wanted to spend more dedicated, disciplined time in prayer and to just spend time with Him. I’m reading The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer, and in one of the chapters he talks about how we are so used to noise and activities in our lives, even now, writing this, I’m listening to music. And it is something I struggle with-just sitting under the Lord, as Romans talks about, and having quality time with Him through His Word and praying. But these past 17 days have been so awesome because I’m actually being disciplined and being intentional with my time with the Lord. And He’s been opening my eyes to so much and challenging me so much and filling me with peace, just like Philippians 4:6-7 promises He will. So my encouragement to all y’all, is each day, turn off the noise in your life, whatever form that is and get alone with God, really search His Word and spend time on your knees, seeking Him, imploring Him…and you won’t be disappointed!!
Because of Christ,
I did have a nice Christmas vacation. I got rest and just relaxed, while learning all sorts of new traditions here for Christmas, which I’ve already talked about some and for New Years. I spent New Year’s Eve with the youth pastor, his wife, and family-it is a lot bigger deal here than the States. You spend it with your extended family and eat a big meal, just like Christmas. There were of course fireworks, and they told me that there is a tradition that you eat 12 grapes, which signifies kind of like 12 wishes you have for that year, one grape for each months. New Year’s Resolutions aren’t as big here as they are in the States. Oh, and there is another fun tradition here-if you want to go on a trip in the New Year, when it’s 12, you’re suppose to walk around the block with a suitcase, but I will confess, I didn’t see anyone doing that, but that’s what I was told. The last culture thing I’ve recently learned is instead of the ides of March, they have the ides of January….five months and some, and I’m still learning=)
I am now in charge of the nursery in the church…which for those who know me well will find that funny. And my welcome gift was a baby who threw-up all over me…and I was ready to resign…lol. Just kidding. Actually, what helps motivate me is my older sister who has a hard time always being stuck taking care of her kids and not being able to enjoy worshipping the Lord-and it’s true that even mom’s need a break and have community with other believers and spend just time praising God, so I will hang in there through the thick and thin;)
I’ve been learning so much already this year, which I just thank God for. My future as of right now is unknown to me, and I was spending a lot of time stressing and worrying over it-because I really want to do whatever the Lord wants me to do and to be used of Him to the upmost capacity, whether that’s staying here, returning to the US, or going somewhere else. But this year (yes, I know it has only been 17 days so far) I really wanted to spend more dedicated, disciplined time in prayer and to just spend time with Him. I’m reading The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer, and in one of the chapters he talks about how we are so used to noise and activities in our lives, even now, writing this, I’m listening to music. And it is something I struggle with-just sitting under the Lord, as Romans talks about, and having quality time with Him through His Word and praying. But these past 17 days have been so awesome because I’m actually being disciplined and being intentional with my time with the Lord. And He’s been opening my eyes to so much and challenging me so much and filling me with peace, just like Philippians 4:6-7 promises He will. So my encouragement to all y’all, is each day, turn off the noise in your life, whatever form that is and get alone with God, really search His Word and spend time on your knees, seeking Him, imploring Him…and you won’t be disappointed!!
Because of Christ,
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