This blog is just going to be about the little things that make me smile, even now thinking about them...some have to do with my students, others with my amazing co-workers, and lastly, about my amazing Abba=)
Last week, it all started when one of my girls asked, "Maestra, why do you have freckles?" So, I explained that my mom had a lot, so I have them as well. Then another of my students spoke up and said she thought it was because of the sun. I then further explained how if I am in the sun, I do get even more freckles. With that said, my kids immediately pulled me out into the sun and stared intently at my arm for like 5 minutes, though I kept telling them that it's a gradual thing, that it won't happen immediately (I think they were a little disappointed). It was really cute=)
Then today, one of my boys complained to me that no one wanted to play with him during recess, so I told him I'd play for him-though I admit, I just wanted to get some stuff done, but I knew this is what I should do. He wanted to play tag, so soon all of my kids were playing with us-and it was so much fun. They even thought that if they were holding onto my arm or held my arm, they would somehow escape from being tag from whomever was it at the moment. But I had a blast-it was such a highlight to the day!
Last week, the two teachers I work with invited me to go get tacos at this restaurant close by-and these teachers will bring me food to try or just help in anyway they can. It was just so much fun to hang out with them outside of school as they tried to explain the difference between all the different tacos-you would be surprised at all the different kinds. And it was amusing for them to say, "Rhonda, that has 'chile' in it, don't eat it-pica (it's spicy)!" They know me But it was so much fun to relax with them.
For my final "little thing"- at, times I find it hard to simply rest in the Lord and wait in Him when I am faced with a lot of unknown and confusion. Yet on Sunday, a dear friend of my sent me a text telling me to read Psalm 94:17-19, 22- and these verses are all about the comfort of the Lord, even in times of confusion. And it just humbled me to think how faithful He is even when I am struggling-what love is that?? I'm going to end with just writing verses 19 and 22, " When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Thy consolations delight my soul...But the Lord has been my stronghold, And my God the rock of my refuge."
Because of Christ,
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