Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The Reason
"Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God, a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross." -Phil 2. 5-8.
This was my first Christmas away from my family, and I'm not going to lie, it was a hard month in December, until finally the Holy Spirit was like, "Rhonda, stop feeling sorry for yourself and remember why you even celebrate Christmas." That made me stop and think-sure, I love my family, love the traditions my family has, and I simply love everything about Christmas, but the reason I'm even in Mexico right now is because Jesus came to the earth 2010 years ago to save me. As Philippians 2 says, Jesus humbled Himself, gave up His home, His right-hand seat in Heaven to come to save sinners like me. Due to His grace, He is using me right now in Mexico, so how dare I complain, when it is because of the "first Christmas", I am here, serving my Savior. He is the reason I'm here at all-so praise be to Him!
I know I haven't updated in awhile-between my students' Christmas program, the church's Christmas program, passing out blankets, celebrating Christmas with people here, I have barely had a moment, though I've loved it all!
My kids did an amazing job at their Christmas program...they sang English really well=) The first day we went to pass out the blankets at the juvenile detention home, we were only allowed to pass out food because early in the day a fight broke out, so no one could leave their cells. It was still a good time, and we sang songs as some of the women passed out the food. The Christmas cantata went smoothly as well; I helped with the props, and thankfully nothing big was missing=)
I did get to see how Mexico celebrates Christmas!! They celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve, eating around 10-10:30 at night, and I didn't get back to 2:30, though the missionaries did tell me that some people go until 5am. I got to taste their version of turkey, stuffing, punch, beef cooked in lime and not on the stove, and I got to through sparklers at 12am, another custom to welcome Christmas. It was fun to see how different but at the same time how similar it was to America. The missionaries and their family and friends accepted me to their Christmas celebration, that I am so thankful to God. Then on Christmas, the youth pastor's wife asked me to hang out with their family and extended family, and once again God proved how faithful He is in the little things. I did get to talk to my family, which was good, and then God allowed me to stay busy with other people, that Christmas was good even if I was away from my family. I had such a blessed and humbling Christmas-that once again made me remember to focus why I'm here on the earth-to glorify my Lord, who is so worthy! Thanks for all y'all's prayers and support! Have a wonderful day!
Because of Christ,
Friday, December 10, 2010
I’m so sorry for not updating in two week…unacceptable I know. The first thing I must share is that of early this morning (3:20am) I became an aunt to now, two adorable nephews=)
My class is getting better each day, which is encouraging, thanks to the Lord. I can’t believe it’s almost Christmas. I made an advent calendar for my class, so each day we do something for Christmas. They absolutely love it. I did introduce stockings to them (I had to bring some American culture to them, right??) I’m glad they like Christmas because I love everything about Christmas, plus it helps me from being away from home. We have a Christmas program next Thursday, and I’m so proud of all my classes learning some Christmas Carols in English, and they have so much fun with it.
Talking about traditions, I invited a few friends over to decorate sugar cookies, which I had to make from scratch-and I didn’t ruin them!! They had a lot of fun, and they were so creative, a lot more than I was. It was such a fun, good time. I’m so thankful that the Lord gave me the boldness to actually ask people to come over...it was such a good night!
On Monday, the teens and some people from the church and I are going to be passing out blankets to the teens in the juvenile detention home as well as food for Christmas. I’m excited, and I ask that y’all pray that these teens will feel the love of God and be receptive to the Gospel. For the season is about the gift Jesus gave to the world when He came to the earth, and hopefully these teens will accept Christ. So please continue to pray for this ministry that I have the amazing privilege of participating in.
As for the lessons I’m learning, I am waiting on the Lord for some things, and I have to confess that I’m not a patient person, so it’s been really challenging to simply rest in the Lord and wait for His direction and answer. But on Wednesday night, the pastor spoke on Lamentations 3:22 and how we should remember how God’s compassion never fails, even in those periods when we are waiting. When I got home, I read the verses following, and verse 25 says, “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him.” It was just so reassuring to remember that He will show me in His time because He is faithful and will fulfill His promises. So, I simply need to remember exactly who God is, whom I serve. Isn’t He so awesome??!!
Because of Christ,
Friday, November 26, 2010
In Everything...
Well, I officially spent my first “real” holiday in a different country…and since it was Thanksgiving, this blog is going to be all about giving thanks to my faithful friend, comforter, Savior, and Lord. Oh, and don’t worry, I still had a very American Thanksgiving, other than the fact of working and being away with family. I taught all my kids about the history of Thanksgiving, introduced them to pumpkin pie, and Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving, and we even made a turkey, whose feathers were made up of all we were thankful for (that’s what the picture is) =)
First I want to say that I’m so thankful to the Lord for His faithfulness and strength. I know I’ve said this before in my blogs and probably/hopefully will continue to say it-God has taught me so much in my 3 ½ months I’ve been here in Mexico. And He is constantly giving me the strength to do things which on my own, I would never have done and been able to serve Him not of myself of Him.
Second, I want to thank the Lord for my amazing family, my second family here in Mexico (the Guzman’s-who provided a real Thanksgiving meal and invited me over to share it), my friends, both in the states and here -I can’t count the times where each one of them have offered me encouragement and prayers, which I’m indebted to (including y’all). As for my family, our skype dates and simple love even when we are not in the same country have been priceless, and I love every minute we can talk and catch up.
Third, I’m thankful for my rambunctious class-though at times they can be exasperating, I love them all so much. I can always count on them to make me smile and laugh-I love it! So though, it wasn’t easy not being able to spend Thanksgiving with my family and not really being able to talk to them yesterday, I’m blessed beyond measure, and I am content and just filled with thanksgiving-in everything, may I give thanks, which is the will of God in Christ Jesus (1 Thes. 5:18) What are y’all thankful for???
Because of Christ,
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Not About Me
I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday-I forgot about it until last night at 11, and by then I was really tired and knew I couldn't write anything that made sense-I know I'm only 23, but for those who know me can vouch when I say, I don't make a lot of sense late at night (11 is late for me) especially when I'm tired.
However, better late than never=) My kids are doing better-they still have their ups and downs, but they are fun to teach. I got to talk to one of my kids about salvation, and he accepted the Lord a couple weeks ago during chapel. It's so exciting and a relief to know that your students have accepted Christ as their Savior!! Also, yesterday, one of my students asked me for if he could play tag while waiting for his mom (but it's against the rules of the school), so I said no, but thanks for asking in English; I'm so proud. His response was: so, does that mean I can do it? I couldn't help but laugh a little because he was so cute with his reasoning if he asks something in English, I will be more likely to say yes...you have to love my kids!
Last Saturday I played my flute in a wedding. It was my first time ever playing for a wedding. Dr. Guzman asked me the Wednesday before, and at first, I though he was joking, but he wasn't, and since I can't say no, I played (I didn't even know the bride) It went pretty well, and it was cool to see a wedding in a different country-it was a lot different from ours in America...from lassos to gold coins to the never-ending bouquet toss (which I got a free mini wedding veil)...it was fun and interesting!
Today, I went to the juvenile detention home, where I gave my testimony-yes, in Spanish-and yes, I was asked to- and yes I was so nervous...now it may seem weird to some of y'all to think that I had no problem speaking to 50-70 girls every Tuesday when I was a Liberty no to mention the fact that I've given my testimony several times in my life...so what's the big deal? But all of that was in English; it's really nerve-wracking to give my testimony in Spanish. Though, thanks to Mrs. Guzman, it was understandable because she read over it and corrected my many errors. So hopefully the Lord used it to encourage some of the teens there-and they were really nice and patient with my accented Spanish=)
Between the wedding and the testimony and reading Acts 20:24, 26-27, the Holy Spirit convicted me again. I was so nervous playing my flute for the wedding and giving my testimony...to be honest, I wanted to back out of both of them. My testimony was two-fold, I was allowing Satan to put doubts in sharing my testimony by thinking, "I haven't faced anything like these guys in the detention home have by the grace of God; how could my testimony help at all?" as well as the fact that I was nervous speaking Spanish in front of like 20 people, just like I was nervous playing my flute. Then when I read Acts 20:24, 26-27, Paul didn't count his life as dear to him but was willing to do whatever for the furtherance of the Gospel and to help others in their faith-he took advantage of every opportunity, so that when he left Ephesus heading to Jerusalem, knowing he was going to die, he confidently said that he was innocent of any man's blood because he boldly shared the Word with everyone. And here I was being Moses making excuse after excuse why I couldn't do it, when the Holy Spirit told me, "Rhonda, since when is this about you? Since when do you belittle your testimony? Your testimony isn't even about you but about the grace you've received and how God has worked in your life. Playing your flute isn't about impressing people but about bringing glory to God Almighty. All of it is about God, so you need to be a willing vessel and stop thinking it's about you." And you know, that's exactly what I was doing...I was underestimating the power of the Holy Spirit and not being willing to be available to the opportunities God gave me...because I put the focus on me and not on whom it should be on...God-may God always be my focus and may I always remember it's not about me at all but about Him and His glory!
Because of Christ,
Friday, November 12, 2010
God Things
I can’t believe it’s Friday already, though I must confess, it’s nice to have a three day weekend (it’s a holiday on Monday-yes!) Today, my 4 and 5 year olds threw me a surprise party to say thank you for teaching them English (that is all of them in the picture) It was so sweet and encouraging. My 1st and 2nd graders have been somewhat of a challenge week, simply because they are just being so mean to each other. Please pray that they will just learn to show love to each other. God has really taught me a lot through teaching them though. Love is not an easy thing, and you hear all the time that love is a choice, and it takes work. Well, seeing how easy it is for me to respond without patience to my students when they don’t want to listen or to see them react to each other when someone calls them a name, it really just opens my eyes of what love truly is. I choose to respond in love with patience or I choose to be snappy with them and respond in impatience-it’s my choice, am I going to choose to love or not to-in your mind it sounds so simple, doesn’t it? But in reality, choosing to love is hard. And the more I see what love truly is and the work it takes, the more humbled I am at God’s love, and I am just in awe of Him and the love He demonstrated for me. I tell my kids that if God could love us, we should have no problem loving each other, which more and more, I’m seeing how true that is. I’ve been in church all my life and accepted Christ as my Savior when I was 4, but the older I am and seeing how challenging having patience can be or seeing my kids just not getting along, the more I see how amazing the love of God is and how much we have to love others!
Another God-thing in my life is how God really is our strength and comfort when we let Him. This past week, there have been ups and downs, but God has been so awesome. For example, on Sunday, I just felt really alone, and on Sunday night, no joke, the sermon was about when you are alone, you are not really alone because God is right there beside you-He is giving you strength, He is your constant, He is faithful. Then this week, with my kids acting up, I was getting pretty discouraged, and there are still times when I just wish I knew Spanish completely, yet once again through my devotions, talking to my amazing brother and friends, and reading the story of Amy Carmichael, God just encouraged me and strengthened me. He used these tools just to remind me that I am not alone in my struggles nor I am I alone in my blessings. It’s just so humbling that when we are willing to continue on, not because of ourselves (because He knows how weak I am) and we want to hear from Him, He is faithful-we just need to be still and know that He is God!!
Please continue to pray for me-I believe that God has sustained me through your prayers as well! Enjoy your weekend and next week!
Because of Christ,
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Three Months Later...Spanglish
I know that today is Sunday, but I decided to wait until today because I have as of today, been here for three months, so I wait until today and write. How fast these three months have flown by-at times, I wake up still not believing that I’m actually living in Mexico. Other days, I feel like I have been here forever (until I find myself not being able to say exactly what I want to say in Spanish…lol). These three months have been filled with so many blessings, lessons, and countless first.
As for the firsts (I’ll just cover this week or this blog will become a novel)-I got to see the Pacific Ocean for the first time on Monday=) It was so warm, and I was able to see the sun start to set across the ocean. While I was there, I tried octopus for the first time; it was chewy but good; I also saw sharks (at least that is what those around me said) in the ocean. I experienced my first bonfire without s’mores (they don’t have graham crackers) on Monday as well-there was a bonfire/all-nighter with the youth group, which was a lot of fun. I also (for the first time) taught a couple of the girls from the youth group how to make crepes and chocolate chip cookies-soon, they want to learn how to make brownies-I think they think Americans only eat dessert, what can I say? But for those who know me, you’re probably shocked that they asked me to teach them how to cook-I was pretty speechless, but God works miracles, and so far, I haven’t ruined anything I’ve cooked!!
My kids are still doing well. I’m teaching them a couple of songs for the Christmas program coming up, and one of my kids asked me to teach them a Halloween song (remember, he is asking this on November 3rd), so unfortunately, I had to crush his desire by not only telling him Halloween is past but that we don’t have songs for Halloween-I think he’ll be okay. In seriousness, my kids are a blast and are slowly getting into the swing of things and starting to get along…though please continue to pray for them.
I find myself more and more speaking Spanglish; there are times where I’m talking to the Guzmans in English, and randomly, I say a word in Spanish instead of English. And there are times where I’m talking in Spanish and say a word in English (even when I know the Spanish equivalent)-I’m not sure if this is a good sign or a sign that I’m losing both language and soon won’t be able to converse at all…hopefully it’s the sign I’m slowly becoming bilingual. The youth pastor and the teens find it a blast to use the English they know, so yesterday, the five of us that went to the juvenile detention home spoke a mixture of Spanglish-it was pretty funny-and I think Spanglish should be an official language!
During my three months here, God has taught me so much and has really taught me how to be dependent on Him and to wait on Him. I don’t know what the future holds, but it’s okay. God calls us to live day by day, walking in His Spirit. I know He will lead me, and while He is being silent about the future, He is telling me to live today to the fullest, bringing Him the glory by serving Him with my whole heart day to day, leaning on His strength and not to be paralyzed by excuses but being confident in Him.
Lastly, I want to thank all y’all for y’all’s prayers-they have meant so much to me, and I ask y’all to continue to pray for me!
Because of Christ,
Friday, October 29, 2010
One by One
Well, another week has past by; time seems to be flying by. As they say, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” This blog is going to be somewhat different due to simply the fact that God has been showing me the ways in which He has come through and blessed me-so this blog is mainly simply giving thanks and sharing the blessings He’s given me since being here in Mexico.
But first, as always, I’ll share what’s been happening with my little ones=) Today, I learned how to make tomales at the school-however, I will save it for the real Mexicans and just enjoy eating them-it’s too hard! They are so fun; yes, to be honest, they can be a challenge, but I really do enjoy them so much. One of the teachers at the school, who also has a child in my class, was telling Mrs. Guzman that she hears my kids among themselves using Spanglish-which encourages me because it means they are learning. They are really funny-they still think that if they use English then they will get what they want, and if I say no to something or have them wait because I’m helping someone else, that means I just don’t listen to them or understand them (this is when they are talking in Spanish) I’ve notice that I’m still a people-pleaser, yes, even to 1st and 2nd graders-though, thankfully, I can say no when I have to, but I really hate to and hate having to give them demerits…sad, I know.
Oh, and I will share one more amusing story before the blessings start (though it was not so amusing when it was happening, at least to me, though everyone else thought it was quite hilarious) Last night, I went on visitation, and at one of the houses, they served pumpkin-yes, I did have real, legit pumpkin-don’t ask me how they cook it, but it was really good. Anyway, I ate a piece, and someone asked me if I wanted more, and I was full, so I said no thank you. And they were all asking, “You didn’t like it.” And I answered, “No, me gusta, pero estoy llena” (which of course in my English-speaking mind was No, I like it, but I’m full.” However, it is a good thing that I like body language because of course I was using my hands but also shaking my head saying, “Yes, I liked it.” And as I was answering, everyone started laughing , like 10 people. And I was so confused until one of the girls, Yazmin said, “Rhonda, you just said you didn’t like it; you need to say No, si, me gusta”-I will conquer this language someday-hopefully;)
As I mentioned earlier, God has really opened my eyes to see the many blessings He has provided. Earlier this week, I was sitting in a taxi, thinking about my sisters and brother, missing them so much, and all of sudden, the Holy Spirit was working in me, reminding me of all the blessings He’s done for me since being here. For instance, the Guzmans and their daughter, Elizabeth have been so welcoming, always giving me advice and being my Spanish-English dictionaries and just opening their home to me. The youth pastor and his wife have invited me to different ministries and always make sure I’m invited to every activity and making sure I understand what’s going on. God has given me six adorable (at least most of the time) students with great co-workers. God has been teaching me so much, and His Word has been so alive and such a comfort. I haven’t ruined anything when I’ve cooked-for those who know me, you know this is a God-thing! I’ve had friends who check-in on me and still allow me to keep up with them to in the states. God has allowed me to hang out with people here and has pushed me out of my comfort zone to really learn more and more Spanish and participating in things I really enjoy…the list goes on and on; I just need to remember as 1 Thes. 5:18 says, “In everything, give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” There are times, like in the taxi, I just wanted to feel sorry for myself, yet the Holy Spirit allowed me to see past my circumstances to see how amazing He’s truly been. So just like the hymn says, I will strive more and more each day to, “Count my blessings, name them one by one!”
Because of Christ,
But first, as always, I’ll share what’s been happening with my little ones=) Today, I learned how to make tomales at the school-however, I will save it for the real Mexicans and just enjoy eating them-it’s too hard! They are so fun; yes, to be honest, they can be a challenge, but I really do enjoy them so much. One of the teachers at the school, who also has a child in my class, was telling Mrs. Guzman that she hears my kids among themselves using Spanglish-which encourages me because it means they are learning. They are really funny-they still think that if they use English then they will get what they want, and if I say no to something or have them wait because I’m helping someone else, that means I just don’t listen to them or understand them (this is when they are talking in Spanish) I’ve notice that I’m still a people-pleaser, yes, even to 1st and 2nd graders-though, thankfully, I can say no when I have to, but I really hate to and hate having to give them demerits…sad, I know.
Oh, and I will share one more amusing story before the blessings start (though it was not so amusing when it was happening, at least to me, though everyone else thought it was quite hilarious) Last night, I went on visitation, and at one of the houses, they served pumpkin-yes, I did have real, legit pumpkin-don’t ask me how they cook it, but it was really good. Anyway, I ate a piece, and someone asked me if I wanted more, and I was full, so I said no thank you. And they were all asking, “You didn’t like it.” And I answered, “No, me gusta, pero estoy llena” (which of course in my English-speaking mind was No, I like it, but I’m full.” However, it is a good thing that I like body language because of course I was using my hands but also shaking my head saying, “Yes, I liked it.” And as I was answering, everyone started laughing , like 10 people. And I was so confused until one of the girls, Yazmin said, “Rhonda, you just said you didn’t like it; you need to say No, si, me gusta”-I will conquer this language someday-hopefully;)
As I mentioned earlier, God has really opened my eyes to see the many blessings He has provided. Earlier this week, I was sitting in a taxi, thinking about my sisters and brother, missing them so much, and all of sudden, the Holy Spirit was working in me, reminding me of all the blessings He’s done for me since being here. For instance, the Guzmans and their daughter, Elizabeth have been so welcoming, always giving me advice and being my Spanish-English dictionaries and just opening their home to me. The youth pastor and his wife have invited me to different ministries and always make sure I’m invited to every activity and making sure I understand what’s going on. God has given me six adorable (at least most of the time) students with great co-workers. God has been teaching me so much, and His Word has been so alive and such a comfort. I haven’t ruined anything when I’ve cooked-for those who know me, you know this is a God-thing! I’ve had friends who check-in on me and still allow me to keep up with them to in the states. God has allowed me to hang out with people here and has pushed me out of my comfort zone to really learn more and more Spanish and participating in things I really enjoy…the list goes on and on; I just need to remember as 1 Thes. 5:18 says, “In everything, give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” There are times, like in the taxi, I just wanted to feel sorry for myself, yet the Holy Spirit allowed me to see past my circumstances to see how amazing He’s truly been. So just like the hymn says, I will strive more and more each day to, “Count my blessings, name them one by one!”
Because of Christ,
Friday, October 22, 2010
First, I must apologe for not writing last Friday. There was a ACE (the curriculum the school uses) Conference in Mexico City (which is where the picture was taken), that I went to with Mrs. Guzman and two other teachers. Let's just say it was a 14 hour, overnight bus ride for a two day trip. Needless to say, it was quite long, and I learned that I cannot sleep on a bus, but on the bright side I got to eat Papa Johns=) and I am now more sure of how the curriculum should work, and it re-energized me and encouraged me as to what I was doing: pouring into my kids, whom I love more each day!
Teaching is going well. I really enjoy it the more I do it-my kids are learning so much and are using English more and more-which is encouraging. They are also so eager to please and do a good job-I just love them!
I didn't have my English class last Saturday because I didn't get back from Mexico City until 9am, and I only got around 7 hours of sleep in three days, which might not sound bad, but I'm just not as young as I used to be...lol...but everyone seemed to understand. I can't wait to see them tomorrow. I did get to hang out with one of the people who attends the English class last Tuesday. She is a couple years older than me, and it was so nice to be able to just hang out and talk. She is so sweet, and I'm thankful for this new friend God has given to me. And yes, we talked in Spanish for like three hours-she was so patient with me=)
The juvenile detention home is such a blessing to be involved in as well as visitation. God is stretching me a lot through these ministries. He is also allowing me the opportunity to do what I love: discipleship and simply talking about His Word. Two Saturdays ago, I was able to go disciple this one teenage boy named Jesus. He accepted Christ about a month ago when we came, and it was such a blessing to be able to explain to him more in depth about the decision he made and talk about the new life he now has in Christ-so please pray that he will continue to grow and be in the Word, and his hunger that he has will never go away.
God is still teaching me so much, which I'm very thankful for. I have realized living here how much I underestimate the Lord. There have been countless times where I simply tell the Lord that I can't really talk to people or I can't really share His Word with people because I'm not fluent in Spanish or I don't want to make His Word unclear for someone or I'm too nervous or I'm just not good talking with people I don't know. I just give excuse after excuse, yet God pretty much forces me into situations where I have to talk, where I need to share the Word where people, and literally everyone else is talking to other people, so I'm the only one to do it. And every time, He has come through. He has given me the words I've needed, giving me the references I've needed, and allowed the other person to understand. It's so humbling because here I am, faithless Rhonda, being like Moses and making excuses, yet God is again showing me that it is not about me, and He is not daunted by my weakness, in fact it's through my weaknesses, He is most glorified because no one can give me praise because they all know my Spanish isn't perfect. Therefore, if I was able to do it, it was only through God, so praise be to the Lord and not me-so, just as Paul said, I will rejoice in my weakness so that God will be glorified. So next time you're tempted to tell the Lord you can't for various reasons, remember that He used Moses, who was full of excuses, to lead a nation, and He is using me, who still struggles with underestimating His power and what He can do with a willing, earthen vessel!
Because of Christ,
Friday, October 8, 2010
A Clearer Picture
It's hard to believe that I've been living in Mexico for two months. When I stop to think about it, I can hardly fathom it. It has been one of the most challenging, stretching yet rewarding two months of my life, and I'm excited to see what will happen in the following months to come.
My kids are a blast. They surprise me with how much English they are catching on to. Now, there are somethings I will explain in English, thinking they won't understand if I use some English, yet they respond by giving me the English equilavent of what I said-I'm so proud of them. They are also learning how to read and spell in Spanish and English-and they are doing a great job, though I must say it's ironic to me when they ask me how to spell words in Spanish. I must say that I'm thankful that I had good Spanish teachers (though, I should have studied more), and I'm thankful that Spanish is a language where you simply have to sound out the word to spell it-it's been a lifesaver. Oh, and it does help that they are only in first and second grade, so I know the words they want to spell...lol. I am enjoying my kids, and the more I am around them, the more I have a desire for them to accept Christ as their Savior and really grow in Him. I asked one of my kids what his favorite day is during the school week, and he answered Thursday because of chapel-I just pray that all my kids will grow to know the Lord and be excited about learning about the Lord.
Last Friday night, I got a surprise babysitting job of two girls in the church. It was fun though; I taught them Skipbo, which they thoroughly enjoyed. After that, the youth pastor, his wife, and one of their daughters visited me. It was so encouraging. They encouraged me so much through the Word and their words. And I must say, I made coffee for them-everyone should be very proud!! My class at the church is also going well. They are doing really well too, and they are just so friendly. I'm thankful for them. The youth pastor started small groups at the juvenile detention home for the teens who have accepted Christ. It's a privilege to be a part of discipling new believers and teaching them the Word of God. The youth pastor paired us up, so there are two people teaching, and I'm still really nervous to talk Spanish, I must confess, but the guy I'm paired up with makes me talk, which is good. But please pray that the Holy Spirit will use ministry He has given us there to build these teens up and that they will continue to grow in their relationship with the Lord. Visitation is going well too. It's cool to see people's hearts for the Lord and to share the Word with others; it's hard to explain, but the joy the Lord gives when you are sharing the Word and encouraging someone in Christ-it's amazing. Last night, I was forced to talk-but the Holy Spirit was so faithful, and He gave me the words in Spanish to say=) and according to the person I was talking to, they understood me-praise the Lord!! I'm so thankful for the Lord for those opportunities because it's something I loved to do, and yet again, I've made God too small, thinking because I am not totally fluent how could I really share the Word or what's on my heart, yet God put this ministry in front of me and surrounded me with people who push me, which has been such a God-thing and a blessing-I'm so thankful to the Lord.
As I've mentioned earlier before, God has stretched me so much since being here, teaching me a lot and drawing me closer to Him. God is teaching me to really rely fully on Him and seek Him out more and more. God is just wanting me to pursue Him and really grow more intimate with Him right now instead of relying on people. I can see God's wisdom in it all. For example, it is good that not a lot of people know English well because it forces me to speak the language more and reach out more. Also not having my close friends or family a phone call way, I feel like God is saying, Rhonda, I want this time with you, and this way you have less distractions and less people to talk to, so talk to me, share with me-so it's good just at time a little hard...it's definitely been a stretching couple of months, but at the same time, it's so cool b/c I have seen God is such awesome ways work in the little things-it's like I'm away from the normal distractions I had while I was at home or at school and am placed outside my comfort zone that I'm aware of God moving, even in the little things-so it's been so good and so challenging at the same time that I wouldn't trade it. I'm so thankful for the clearer picture God has given me of Himself and in ways He moves. I love Him so much more, and I pray that I continue to love more and more with each passing day! Thanks again for y'all's prayers!
Because of Christ,
My kids are a blast. They surprise me with how much English they are catching on to. Now, there are somethings I will explain in English, thinking they won't understand if I use some English, yet they respond by giving me the English equilavent of what I said-I'm so proud of them. They are also learning how to read and spell in Spanish and English-and they are doing a great job, though I must say it's ironic to me when they ask me how to spell words in Spanish. I must say that I'm thankful that I had good Spanish teachers (though, I should have studied more), and I'm thankful that Spanish is a language where you simply have to sound out the word to spell it-it's been a lifesaver. Oh, and it does help that they are only in first and second grade, so I know the words they want to spell...lol. I am enjoying my kids, and the more I am around them, the more I have a desire for them to accept Christ as their Savior and really grow in Him. I asked one of my kids what his favorite day is during the school week, and he answered Thursday because of chapel-I just pray that all my kids will grow to know the Lord and be excited about learning about the Lord.
Last Friday night, I got a surprise babysitting job of two girls in the church. It was fun though; I taught them Skipbo, which they thoroughly enjoyed. After that, the youth pastor, his wife, and one of their daughters visited me. It was so encouraging. They encouraged me so much through the Word and their words. And I must say, I made coffee for them-everyone should be very proud!! My class at the church is also going well. They are doing really well too, and they are just so friendly. I'm thankful for them. The youth pastor started small groups at the juvenile detention home for the teens who have accepted Christ. It's a privilege to be a part of discipling new believers and teaching them the Word of God. The youth pastor paired us up, so there are two people teaching, and I'm still really nervous to talk Spanish, I must confess, but the guy I'm paired up with makes me talk, which is good. But please pray that the Holy Spirit will use ministry He has given us there to build these teens up and that they will continue to grow in their relationship with the Lord. Visitation is going well too. It's cool to see people's hearts for the Lord and to share the Word with others; it's hard to explain, but the joy the Lord gives when you are sharing the Word and encouraging someone in Christ-it's amazing. Last night, I was forced to talk-but the Holy Spirit was so faithful, and He gave me the words in Spanish to say=) and according to the person I was talking to, they understood me-praise the Lord!! I'm so thankful for the Lord for those opportunities because it's something I loved to do, and yet again, I've made God too small, thinking because I am not totally fluent how could I really share the Word or what's on my heart, yet God put this ministry in front of me and surrounded me with people who push me, which has been such a God-thing and a blessing-I'm so thankful to the Lord.
As I've mentioned earlier before, God has stretched me so much since being here, teaching me a lot and drawing me closer to Him. God is teaching me to really rely fully on Him and seek Him out more and more. God is just wanting me to pursue Him and really grow more intimate with Him right now instead of relying on people. I can see God's wisdom in it all. For example, it is good that not a lot of people know English well because it forces me to speak the language more and reach out more. Also not having my close friends or family a phone call way, I feel like God is saying, Rhonda, I want this time with you, and this way you have less distractions and less people to talk to, so talk to me, share with me-so it's good just at time a little hard...it's definitely been a stretching couple of months, but at the same time, it's so cool b/c I have seen God is such awesome ways work in the little things-it's like I'm away from the normal distractions I had while I was at home or at school and am placed outside my comfort zone that I'm aware of God moving, even in the little things-so it's been so good and so challenging at the same time that I wouldn't trade it. I'm so thankful for the clearer picture God has given me of Himself and in ways He moves. I love Him so much more, and I pray that I continue to love more and more with each passing day! Thanks again for y'all's prayers!
Because of Christ,
Friday, October 1, 2010
Catching a Glimpse
Welcome to the first day of October!! Here in Mexico, God gave me a little taste of home by providing fallish temperatures these past couple of days, which I have absolutely loved. However, several people here got sick because of the change of weather, so that's not great, but I can't lie, I have enjoyed it so much! It's fun to see the students come in winter coats, and I couldn't help but be amused when one of the little boys told me it was so cold it could snow. I had to sadly inform him that it actually had to be a lot colder for it to snow, but it was so cute!
Classes have been going pretty well. My boys were a little rowdy today, but all in all, they are getting into used the schedule, and they are learning so much. My kids are so cute and fun. They are beginning to speak more Spanglish, which I think is a good sign. For example, they were making an ocean, using a shoebox because I taught them animals under the sea, and one of my boys lost his octopus, so he said, "Maestra, falta mi octopus!" And if they really want something, for example to go get water, I think they believe if they speak English, I am going to give in, so they say, "Teacher, puedo tomar water, please?" It's so amusing. If they get desperate, Maestra turns into Teacher...I am enjoying it more each day, even through the frustrating times when they don't want to listen or when they call each other names. It's endearing when they all want to eat around my desk, so I moved all of us to a table, so they can all eat with me. It's encouraging when they remember their verse or the Bible story we talked about, or the eagerly show me their work, so proud they understood...especially the English. God is so good!
My Saturday class is so much fun as well. They are amazing people, and I really enjoy the relationships I'm making with them. Visitation went well yesterday. They are now making a rule that no one can speak English to me while we go on visitation, unless they want to learn an English word...so I guess that's a good thing, though I must say, it's somewhat of a challenge...=) The youth pastor, Hermano Edgar, is such an example of the Lord. He is so full of knowledge and wisdom. It's challenging because he knows so many different passages and references. It reminds me of how much more disciplined I need to be in learning the word, and as 1 Peter 3:15 commands, we, as Christians, need to be ready every moment to give a reason for the hope that is within us. We might not always have a Bible with us or one with a concordance in the back, or in my case, I have to use a Spanish Bible, so I need to know the references to show people and encourage people using the Word.
One thing the Holy Spirit is showing me is a glimpse of how He feels when His children sin, including me, and it's really eye-opening as well as humbling. My students, especially among the boys, have a real problem with name calling and hitting each other. And it breaks my heart. There are days when it seems endless, and they are being so mean to each other, and it makes me want to cry. And I was praying about it earlier this week, asking the Holy Spirit to show me ways to teach them and show them how to show love toward each other instead of hate and anger. And while I was praying and thinking about it, the Holy Spirit just "hit" me, helping me realize that this is just a glimpse of how He feels when we sin. When we sin, it hurts and saddens Him. Ephesians 4:30 clearly commands us not to grieve the Holy Spirit. I love my students, and when they are mean to each other, it makes me so sad, yet when we sin, we grieve the Holy Spirit, which is much more than simply making Him sad, which is worse enough. And thinking about how I feel toward my students, I am able to catch just a small glimpse of how my sin affects my loving Father, my Abba, who sent His Son to die in order to give me life. It's been such a humbling lesson, yet one I will never forget. It has made me hate sin even more, not merely because of the consequence but now much more because what it does to my precious Father. Thank the Lord for the lessons He teaches us to bring us into a more intimate relationship with Him!
Because of Christ,
Classes have been going pretty well. My boys were a little rowdy today, but all in all, they are getting into used the schedule, and they are learning so much. My kids are so cute and fun. They are beginning to speak more Spanglish, which I think is a good sign. For example, they were making an ocean, using a shoebox because I taught them animals under the sea, and one of my boys lost his octopus, so he said, "Maestra, falta mi octopus!" And if they really want something, for example to go get water, I think they believe if they speak English, I am going to give in, so they say, "Teacher, puedo tomar water, please?" It's so amusing. If they get desperate, Maestra turns into Teacher...I am enjoying it more each day, even through the frustrating times when they don't want to listen or when they call each other names. It's endearing when they all want to eat around my desk, so I moved all of us to a table, so they can all eat with me. It's encouraging when they remember their verse or the Bible story we talked about, or the eagerly show me their work, so proud they understood...especially the English. God is so good!
My Saturday class is so much fun as well. They are amazing people, and I really enjoy the relationships I'm making with them. Visitation went well yesterday. They are now making a rule that no one can speak English to me while we go on visitation, unless they want to learn an English word...so I guess that's a good thing, though I must say, it's somewhat of a challenge...=) The youth pastor, Hermano Edgar, is such an example of the Lord. He is so full of knowledge and wisdom. It's challenging because he knows so many different passages and references. It reminds me of how much more disciplined I need to be in learning the word, and as 1 Peter 3:15 commands, we, as Christians, need to be ready every moment to give a reason for the hope that is within us. We might not always have a Bible with us or one with a concordance in the back, or in my case, I have to use a Spanish Bible, so I need to know the references to show people and encourage people using the Word.
One thing the Holy Spirit is showing me is a glimpse of how He feels when His children sin, including me, and it's really eye-opening as well as humbling. My students, especially among the boys, have a real problem with name calling and hitting each other. And it breaks my heart. There are days when it seems endless, and they are being so mean to each other, and it makes me want to cry. And I was praying about it earlier this week, asking the Holy Spirit to show me ways to teach them and show them how to show love toward each other instead of hate and anger. And while I was praying and thinking about it, the Holy Spirit just "hit" me, helping me realize that this is just a glimpse of how He feels when we sin. When we sin, it hurts and saddens Him. Ephesians 4:30 clearly commands us not to grieve the Holy Spirit. I love my students, and when they are mean to each other, it makes me so sad, yet when we sin, we grieve the Holy Spirit, which is much more than simply making Him sad, which is worse enough. And thinking about how I feel toward my students, I am able to catch just a small glimpse of how my sin affects my loving Father, my Abba, who sent His Son to die in order to give me life. It's been such a humbling lesson, yet one I will never forget. It has made me hate sin even more, not merely because of the consequence but now much more because what it does to my precious Father. Thank the Lord for the lessons He teaches us to bring us into a more intimate relationship with Him!
Because of Christ,
Friday, September 24, 2010
A Lesson from My Little Ones
Another week has come to an end, but what a week it's been. One full of stretching and blessings and my eyes being open, thanks be to God!!
Teaching is going well; my students started on their other subjects, which I think they are somewhat excited to have a break from an entire day of English, but on the bright side, they are speaking English more=) Though, they picked up saying "I water" when they want water, and when I told them what they are really saying, they thought it was the most funny thing ever! They are a joy to teach. Everyday at lunch time, they all pull up their chairs around my desk in order to eat with me...simple things like that just endear them to me even more (don't worry, now we eat a a larger table that gives a bit more room) As for teaching the teens and some adults, they told me last Saturday that they have fun learning English, whether they are learning anything or not is still to be determined...lol. But in all seriousness, it is a lot of fun teaching them as they teach me even more Spanish, which I am extremely thankful for!
Last night, I went on visitation again. I must say, I have become a better listener, since I have to always be attentive to follow conversations and make sure I understand what's going on, but it's always good to be a good listener, so I am honing my listening skills=) But last night went really well. I would ask y'all to pray for a guy named Jaime as well as for a woman named Martha. They don't know the Lord, and as Hermano Edgar shared the Gospel with Jaime, Jaime wasn't interested. It broke my heart knowing that he turned away from the most important decision in life, but I know that the Holy Spirit is powerful, and God loves Jaime and is hurting over his decision. Please pray on behalf of these two people that the Lord will continue to work in their lives and that they will accept Him as their Savior. Also last night, Hermano Edgar and his wife and the other teens made me invite everyone to come on Saturday night because the youth group is going to a park to do an evangelistic outreach. Needless to say, I was extremely nervous the four times I had to say it...I know, lame; however, it's just one of the ways the Lord works. I have been trying to be more extroverted and speak Spanish more, and God knows how hard it is for me, so He brings people in my life to push me and make me speak Spanish, which is really a good thing.
Another exciting thing that happened this week is this past Tuesday, I gave a little devotional to the girls on 33-6 (a dorm at Liberty). My old RA partner, whom I had the amazing privilege of serving with on the same hall, asked me to speak during hall meeting because it was Missions Emphasis Week and that hall has adopted me to pray for me this year. So, I was able to share how the Lord brought me to Mexico and how He's been teaching about being truly surrendered to Him and not worry about the things of this world and how I have been struggling between cultures, but we don't belong in this world, so we shouldn't be comfortable in this world but should be striving to serve the Lord and bringing glory to Him, wherever He leads us, doing whatever it is He has called us to do! I was so blessed to share that with them because I have missed teaching like that, and I also was able to talk to one of my girls, which was so encouraging!
As you are reading this, you are probably thinking, "Rhonda, when are you going to get to the meaning behind your title?" Well, I'm here=) I have been really struggling with what my ministry is and how I can really pour into my students. And the Holy Spirit has been showing me that I need to really love my kids with the love of Christ. So, I was thinking through 1 Corinthians 13, and the one thing that was really convicting was love is patient. There are times when my kids will ask me what they are suppose to do for the third, fourth, fifth time. And I just want to respond, "Why weren't you listening? How do you not understand?" But the Holy Spirit has really been convicting me about my attitude toward them and pressing upon me the importance of responding with patience, which is not only a fruit of the Spirit but also of love. So, everyday, as I ask the Lord to use me how He wants to, part of it is having patience. So now, when my kids ask me repeatedly the same question, I am reminded that I am to shine the light of God, and one way of doing that is through loving them and seeing them as He does, so instead of getting frustrated over what actually is a really little thing is to respond positively with patience, showing them the love of God. So, as i am suppose to be teaching them, the Holy Spirit is using them to teach and stretch me...praise be to the Lord, God Almighty!
Because of Christ,
Teaching is going well; my students started on their other subjects, which I think they are somewhat excited to have a break from an entire day of English, but on the bright side, they are speaking English more=) Though, they picked up saying "I water" when they want water, and when I told them what they are really saying, they thought it was the most funny thing ever! They are a joy to teach. Everyday at lunch time, they all pull up their chairs around my desk in order to eat with me...simple things like that just endear them to me even more (don't worry, now we eat a a larger table that gives a bit more room) As for teaching the teens and some adults, they told me last Saturday that they have fun learning English, whether they are learning anything or not is still to be determined...lol. But in all seriousness, it is a lot of fun teaching them as they teach me even more Spanish, which I am extremely thankful for!
Last night, I went on visitation again. I must say, I have become a better listener, since I have to always be attentive to follow conversations and make sure I understand what's going on, but it's always good to be a good listener, so I am honing my listening skills=) But last night went really well. I would ask y'all to pray for a guy named Jaime as well as for a woman named Martha. They don't know the Lord, and as Hermano Edgar shared the Gospel with Jaime, Jaime wasn't interested. It broke my heart knowing that he turned away from the most important decision in life, but I know that the Holy Spirit is powerful, and God loves Jaime and is hurting over his decision. Please pray on behalf of these two people that the Lord will continue to work in their lives and that they will accept Him as their Savior. Also last night, Hermano Edgar and his wife and the other teens made me invite everyone to come on Saturday night because the youth group is going to a park to do an evangelistic outreach. Needless to say, I was extremely nervous the four times I had to say it...I know, lame; however, it's just one of the ways the Lord works. I have been trying to be more extroverted and speak Spanish more, and God knows how hard it is for me, so He brings people in my life to push me and make me speak Spanish, which is really a good thing.
Another exciting thing that happened this week is this past Tuesday, I gave a little devotional to the girls on 33-6 (a dorm at Liberty). My old RA partner, whom I had the amazing privilege of serving with on the same hall, asked me to speak during hall meeting because it was Missions Emphasis Week and that hall has adopted me to pray for me this year. So, I was able to share how the Lord brought me to Mexico and how He's been teaching about being truly surrendered to Him and not worry about the things of this world and how I have been struggling between cultures, but we don't belong in this world, so we shouldn't be comfortable in this world but should be striving to serve the Lord and bringing glory to Him, wherever He leads us, doing whatever it is He has called us to do! I was so blessed to share that with them because I have missed teaching like that, and I also was able to talk to one of my girls, which was so encouraging!
As you are reading this, you are probably thinking, "Rhonda, when are you going to get to the meaning behind your title?" Well, I'm here=) I have been really struggling with what my ministry is and how I can really pour into my students. And the Holy Spirit has been showing me that I need to really love my kids with the love of Christ. So, I was thinking through 1 Corinthians 13, and the one thing that was really convicting was love is patient. There are times when my kids will ask me what they are suppose to do for the third, fourth, fifth time. And I just want to respond, "Why weren't you listening? How do you not understand?" But the Holy Spirit has really been convicting me about my attitude toward them and pressing upon me the importance of responding with patience, which is not only a fruit of the Spirit but also of love. So, everyday, as I ask the Lord to use me how He wants to, part of it is having patience. So now, when my kids ask me repeatedly the same question, I am reminded that I am to shine the light of God, and one way of doing that is through loving them and seeing them as He does, so instead of getting frustrated over what actually is a really little thing is to respond positively with patience, showing them the love of God. So, as i am suppose to be teaching them, the Holy Spirit is using them to teach and stretch me...praise be to the Lord, God Almighty!
Because of Christ,
Friday, September 17, 2010
Ups and Downs, Nevertheless, Viva Mexico!
So, I experienced my first holiday here in Mexico...that's right, el Dia de Independencia de Mexico on Wednesday. It was so much fun, and I must say, I think in Mexico they are even more patriotic than America. And don't worry, when I helped with the "Fiesta" at the church, I wore green and white-what can I say, I didn't want to get deported...lol. This week has been pretty relaxful, since I have been off since Wednesday, though I've kept busy=)
My kids were able to Skype my mom's class in the US, and they did such a good job using their English-not even Spanglish, and they had a blast talking to kids their age in America. When we finished talking to them, they asked if we could do it again-I was so proud of them=)
On Monday night, the teens threw a surprise party for the youth pastor, who is such a passionate man with a heart for the Lord as well as us. It was fun, though they tried to get me to sing in English-which I can't sing, so I told them I would just teach them the words, so they could sing it with me-and they seemed okay with that...lol. On Wednesday, some of the teens and I made sandwiches and took them to the juvenile detention home with the youth pastor and his wife, so the teens their could celebrate the day as well. After we delivered the sandwiches, the youth pastor bought us all Porsol, a typical Chipain drink, though I couldn't have it because of the water, so I drank coke, but if you see pictures, they made me hold up Porsol, so I wouldn't feel left out-it was a lot of fun serving with them and hanging out...they are continuing to teach me Spanish and are always asking me, Como se dice ____ en ingles? So, we are learning together, which is fun! Then that night, I helped run a booth at the church's fiesta, which helped raise money for a missionary who is going to Africa, and it was so much fun to help and just participate with the church body here. The picture above is a picture of Emily and me at the booth. Emily is so sweet and is 21. She knows some English, so she helps me a lot, and she is so sweet, and I'm so thankful for her.
The major lesson this week that God taught me, and is still teaching me, is the importance of continuing on and the importance of being fortified in His Word. There are times where I feel caught between two cultures, Mexican and America. It's like I don't belong in either culture, but as a good friend reminded me, we aren't called to be comfortable in the world-and that's where spending quality time with the Lord is so vital. When we are pursuing Christ, when we are trying to serve Him in all areas of our lives, Satan is going to attack-spiritual warfare is going to be even worse, and we cannot fight it alone; we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit and be fortified through the Word of God, and continue to walk in the Spirit, for as Galatians says, when we walk in the Spirit, we will not fulfill the desires of the flesh. So as you pursue Christ, remember your constant need for Him and remember that while we are in this world serving our Lord, we are in the middle of a battle, and we need to remember the importance of the quiet, quality time with our Lord, everyday, so that we will be conquerors in Christ!
Because of Christ,
Friday, September 10, 2010
Full of Opportunities
Where to begin? Yes, it's been one of those weeks, full of both highs and lows, but as always, God has given me strength and encouragement I needed at the perfect moments-it's moments like those that I just so amazed at Him and just fall more in love with Him. I have been here for a whole month, and it's crazy to think that a month has past by so quickly. I walked to Central Avenue today passing all the decorations for their 200th year of independence that is coming up on Wednesday, thinking about how the time has flown by, how some days it feels like I just got here, and others it seems I've had the same routine all my life. There are times when I still feel overwhelmed or not quite sure all that's going on and other times when I feel like I understand everything. It's been so good and so challenging all at the same time.
My students are doing well! My little challenging one has had a better week, though I'm still learning what patience truly is...not just with him but with all at them. I love them dearly though and am thankful for each one of them. They are so understandable with my lack of fluency in Spanish, and they are great teachers. It's been fun as they say, "We teach you Spanish, and you teach us English". Overall, it is so much fun to work with them, and I enjoy trying to make learning come alive for them, from devotions to learning English to soon other subjects. In the picture, they made masks today for Mexico's Independence Day which is Wednesday, September 15th. They loved making them, but I'll see how many parents like me after they have glitter all over their house from the masks-but hey, what is a good craft without glitter right? The biggest lesson I'm trying to teach them is to show love to everyone despite what they do to you for if Christ loved us enough to die, they can love each other-let's just say, they are slowly learning this concept=) But each day with them is a unique challenge yet so rewarding at the same time with every hug I receive and every kiss on the cheek.
Teaching the teens at the church is a lot of fun as well. It is fun to answer their questions and debate how much easier English is to learn than Spanish (though they still aren't convinced of this fact...but I still have time to convince them). They also are really good about helping me with my Spanish and putting up with my questions about their grammar or which word do they use more often. The teens also make sure I know everything that's going on, though some of them don't realize I understand most of it, granted this is partially my fault because unless I'm teaching, I tend to just be quiet, blending in the background, what can I say, I'm an introvert=)
But in all seriousness, I have been reading Acts, and I've seen how the disciples followed the Lord to wherever He leads, and in doing so, the Lord provided opportunities for them to serve in different capacities. I know God brought me here, but there have been times where I've struggled in what I can do other than teach since I'm still not completely fluent in Spanish. However, I prayed that God would show me different ways I can serve the church here and get more involved rather than keep to myself which is really tempting at times to do. And this past week, since I've been praying about it, three different people have asked me to do different things. It's so humbling because it was like I was underestimating what God can do in me by pretty much telling Him that there really is no place for me to do much with the language barrier, yet here He goes and gives me four areas where I can serve. A week from tomorrow, I'm going to be giving my testimony at a missions conference that the church here is joint with, so please pray because it's in Spanish...and yes, I'm terrified...however, I did say yes, so hopefully the Lord will use it for His glory. And yesterday, I went on visitation with the youth pastor and his wife; now to be honest, I really thought they asked me if they could visit me, and I was like yeah, that's fine, but in reality, they wanted me to go with them to different houses of the teens that were sick or haven't been in youth group for awhile. It was a lot of fun, and I really had the chance to see their heart for their ministry and the love they have for their kids in the youth group. They actually asked me to go with them every Thursday, so I'm excited to hopefully just be an encouragement to the people we visit and learn from this godly couple. They also asked me to come again to the juvenile detention home every Saturday, so if you could remember to pray on Saturdays for this opportunity the youth group has to share the gospel and to pour into those who accepted Christ as their Savior. This Wednesday, I get to learn how to make tortillas and make whatever it is they're making for the juvenile detention home because we are going there this Wednesday as well to celebrate Mexico's Independence Day, which will be fun as well as another opportunity to shine the light of Christ with these teens. Lastly, Mrs. Guzman asked if I could help with one of the other teachers Wednesday night at a booth that will be for children to win prizes. The church is having a Fiesta de Independcia to raise money for a couple who is trying to go to a Spanish speaking country in Africa. So this is another opportunity that God has graciously allowed me to be a part of. So despite my doubts that I convinced myself I couldn't really do much, God has truly been amazing and overruled my doubts by giving me opportunity after opportunity to serve Him in different aspects. So if you really want an opportunity to serve the Lord, simply ask Him and follow Him where He leads...He is sure to answer for it is His desire to use His earthen vessels for His glory!
Because of Christ,
Friday, September 3, 2010
Faithful in the Little Things
What a week I've had-it's been challenging and good, all at the same time; that's just like God, who as I keep on saying, I know, is so faithful as well as good teacher! Teaching the people at the church is going really well. They are learning, though they are a little shy about speaking it. On Saturday morning, I went with the youth group to the juvenile detention home, where they go every Saturday. At first, when I was asked to go, I was reluctant because how much could I do with my limited Spanish, but I can make excuses easily, so I decided to go because I want to get to know the teens better, and to learn Spanish, I need to get over my nervousness and speak it. So, I went with them, and I helped the youth pastor's wife with passing out the food, as well as prayed while the message was being shared. About ten teens received Christ-which was truly awesome!! I went there wondering why I even went, but I did get to see some of the youth group's passion as well as simply pray, and there is power in prayer. Though at times I feel like I might not be able to do much, there is always the option of prayer, which is easy to underestimate the power of prayer, but remember, just as I need to do, I can always pray, no matter where you are or what you are doing!
The same night, after youth group, the youth pastor's wife came and took me to a house of one of the girls in the youth group for her birthday. It was a lot of fun, and it showed me a glimpse of their culture. The encouraging thing about being here is the people. I can't begin to explain how encouraging the people at the church are, from the teens to the adults. They are constantly asking how I am doing and making sure I'm doing alright. They also feed me whenever they have food, which is always a blessing=) But I do thank God for this church body who has accepted me with open arms; it's just another way how God is faithful in the little things!
My little kids are doing learning English-which they are so cute! The story of the week is I was teaching them the question, "May I go to the bathroom?" and one of my kids asked me, "Puedo ir al bathroom?"-So though they are learning English, it's more spanglish, but hey that's works for me! They also enjoy teaching me Spanish as I teach them English! But continue to pray for them that they will grow in the Lord as well as simply learn. I really do enjoy teaching them and am really learning how to love them.
This past summer, God really challenged me with what love truly looks like, especially in 1 Corinthians 13, which of course I know, but in a book I read, it challenged the readers to substitute love with your name, and ask yourself if that describes you-it's convicting. I have a challenging student in my class, and everyday I pray for my students and really ask God to help me to show love to each and everyone of them and to be a light for Christ. Yesterday was reallyrough with my little "trouble child", and I'm not going to lie, it was pretty discouraging, but while he threw a tantrum, it was totally the Holy Spirit because He just gave me patience for Him, and today when he came in, I just prayed for the attitude of love, and He was so faithful in giving me more patience, which as 1 Corinthians 13 says is part of love. Also, in most of the sermons and in my quiet time, it has been full of examples and verses that talk about that the Lord is the one who gives strength in the midst of our weakness and will work through us for His glory. So this week to sum it up has been full of little things in which God has made Himself known! May we continue to seek Him and allow Him to teach us and mold us for His use!
Because of Christ,
The same night, after youth group, the youth pastor's wife came and took me to a house of one of the girls in the youth group for her birthday. It was a lot of fun, and it showed me a glimpse of their culture. The encouraging thing about being here is the people. I can't begin to explain how encouraging the people at the church are, from the teens to the adults. They are constantly asking how I am doing and making sure I'm doing alright. They also feed me whenever they have food, which is always a blessing=) But I do thank God for this church body who has accepted me with open arms; it's just another way how God is faithful in the little things!
My little kids are doing learning English-which they are so cute! The story of the week is I was teaching them the question, "May I go to the bathroom?" and one of my kids asked me, "Puedo ir al bathroom?"-So though they are learning English, it's more spanglish, but hey that's works for me! They also enjoy teaching me Spanish as I teach them English! But continue to pray for them that they will grow in the Lord as well as simply learn. I really do enjoy teaching them and am really learning how to love them.
This past summer, God really challenged me with what love truly looks like, especially in 1 Corinthians 13, which of course I know, but in a book I read, it challenged the readers to substitute love with your name, and ask yourself if that describes you-it's convicting. I have a challenging student in my class, and everyday I pray for my students and really ask God to help me to show love to each and everyone of them and to be a light for Christ. Yesterday was reallyrough with my little "trouble child", and I'm not going to lie, it was pretty discouraging, but while he threw a tantrum, it was totally the Holy Spirit because He just gave me patience for Him, and today when he came in, I just prayed for the attitude of love, and He was so faithful in giving me more patience, which as 1 Corinthians 13 says is part of love. Also, in most of the sermons and in my quiet time, it has been full of examples and verses that talk about that the Lord is the one who gives strength in the midst of our weakness and will work through us for His glory. So this week to sum it up has been full of little things in which God has made Himself known! May we continue to seek Him and allow Him to teach us and mold us for His use!
Because of Christ,
Friday, August 27, 2010
Crazy Times=)
I officially finished my first week as a teacher-crazy!! It's been challenging but so much fun! Last Saturday, I taught people English who go to the church where I'm working. There were about ten people who showed up; which I'm thankful for-it's easier and more fun with a smaller group. And they understood everything, and tomorrow, I'll see if they remember it all=). As for my school class, I have six first and second graders. They are a lot of fun and a bit rambunctious. Then when Mrs. Guzman teaches them Spanish for an hour, I teach for 30 minutes, two 2 year olds and one 3 year old (who can now count to 5 in English=) ), and then I teach ten 4 and 5 year olds English for 30 minutes. They are so much fun, and after they learned "My name is", they asked me if I could teach them English words...so not sure if they quite understood everything...lol. Teaching my main six kids is so much fun, and they are extremely patient with my Spanish-even when they have to repeat their questions like five times, or they look at me with such confusion. Mrs. Guzman wants me to talk in as much English as I can, so when I do, one of my students, Daniel, usually will say, "No entiendo ingles, Maestra" (I don't understand English, teacher); it's really cute. And one more funny story, when I ask them, "Are you ready?" They say, "Yes, let's go", every time in this cute little accent they have. I also get to have devotions everyday with them, and Mrs. Guzman told me that she knows two of them received Christ last year, so please pray for the other four, that they will receive Christ this year, or at least the Lord will use me to plant the seeds as well as be a light for Him in their lives, displaying His love everyday.
People have asked me what my favorite part is about being here in Mexico. And immediately I answer the people. They hve been so encouraging to me and always ask about me, and today, one of the teachers brought me food. These little outreaches have meant so much to me, since I'm away from my friends and family. Yet these people have welcomed me and encouraged me in various way that leaves me just thanking God for them and for His faithfulness. We had parents night last night, and even my parents tried to speak to me (we mostly spoke in Spanglish), and they were just so sweet. God is just so faithful!
There are times of feeling inadequate as a teache and simply trying to grasp the languag, but I've been reading Acts, and it talks about how the high priest and officials were amazed because these were simple, uneducated men, yet God used them in an amazing way. And when the Christians prayed for boldness, the Holy Spirit gave them boldness to work in His name. He is the Holy Spirit and the same God who works in my life. God calls us to be faithful, and though we may be "foolish" in the eyes of the world or "uneducated", He uses them to shame the wise as He says in 1 Corinthians 1. God has been so faithful in these three weeks I've been here, and I am excited to see what else He has in store for me, for His glory! Thanks again for all y'all's prayers!
Because of Christ,
PS The picture is four out of my six students with their art project (two of them were absent today)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Lessons Learned
Well, I can't believe I've been here for two weeks already. This week was spent putting my classroom together and making lesson plans-I already forgot how long they take...lol, but they are so much fun to create, trying to think of ways that make learning come alive for the students. School starts on Monday-so we'll see how it goes! I will be teaching 1st and 2nd graders, and then for an hour a day, I'll be teaching English to 2-5 year olds. Mrs. Guzman wants me to teach English for the first month to the 1st and 2nd graders, so hopefully they aren't too scared the first day of school=). On Saturday, though, I am going to be teaching anyone at the church who wants to learn English, and to be honest, I'm so nervous about this one-they are all at different stages of English not to mention there will be people older than me, which I don't know why that's intimidating, but it is-I think sometimes I get intimidated easily, but I'm just praying that God will use me for His glory!
In the two weeks I have been here, I have already learned so much, so I am excited (as well a little nervous) about what else God will be teaching me=) There have been times of discouragement and times where I have been wondering if God really picked the right person (as if He makes mistakes) but there are the times of feeling simply inadequate. However, when I am having these times of doubt, God is so faithful, whether is through His Word or simple words of wisdom from others. For example, this summer I read the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan, and he mentioned Jeremiah 1:6-10 and states, "When Jeremiah voices his hesitations and fears, God (the God of the galaxies) reaches out and touches his mouth. It's a gentle and affective gesture, something a loving parent would do. Trough this illustration, you realize that you don't have to worry about not meeting expectations. God will ensure your success in accordance to His plan, not mine." Well, I wrote down this quote in my journal and that night, I turned to this quote-God knew that I would need the reminder that it is in Him that I can do what He called me to do-to teach English to these amazing people, to take advantage of opportunities to serve people in His name for His glory. Another friend reminded me to look at Moses as well; he claimed that he couldn't speak, yet through the power of God, he led a whole country up to the Promise Land. That's the same God, who works through any of His children as long as we remain surrendered to Him, following Him where He leads! So is it alright for me to feel inadequate? Yes! Since, as Paul claims in 2 Corinthians 3:5, we are only adequate in our Lord-so, let us together not be crippled by our fears, but instead be empowered by the Holy Spirit that the Lord gives to all His children and follow Him and serve Him in whatever capacity He leads you to!
Because of Christ,
In the two weeks I have been here, I have already learned so much, so I am excited (as well a little nervous) about what else God will be teaching me=) There have been times of discouragement and times where I have been wondering if God really picked the right person (as if He makes mistakes) but there are the times of feeling simply inadequate. However, when I am having these times of doubt, God is so faithful, whether is through His Word or simple words of wisdom from others. For example, this summer I read the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan, and he mentioned Jeremiah 1:6-10 and states, "When Jeremiah voices his hesitations and fears, God (the God of the galaxies) reaches out and touches his mouth. It's a gentle and affective gesture, something a loving parent would do. Trough this illustration, you realize that you don't have to worry about not meeting expectations. God will ensure your success in accordance to His plan, not mine." Well, I wrote down this quote in my journal and that night, I turned to this quote-God knew that I would need the reminder that it is in Him that I can do what He called me to do-to teach English to these amazing people, to take advantage of opportunities to serve people in His name for His glory. Another friend reminded me to look at Moses as well; he claimed that he couldn't speak, yet through the power of God, he led a whole country up to the Promise Land. That's the same God, who works through any of His children as long as we remain surrendered to Him, following Him where He leads! So is it alright for me to feel inadequate? Yes! Since, as Paul claims in 2 Corinthians 3:5, we are only adequate in our Lord-so, let us together not be crippled by our fears, but instead be empowered by the Holy Spirit that the Lord gives to all His children and follow Him and serve Him in whatever capacity He leads you to!
Because of Christ,
Friday, August 13, 2010
I have been in Mexico for six days now-in some ways it has seemed longer, but at other times, it seems like it was yesterday. The people here at the church where the missionaries have their main ministry have been amazing, especially the Guzman's (the missionaries I'm working with), they are so welcoming and loving.
My dad, who flew with me, left on Wednesday, but he had a wonderful time here and enjoyed Chiapas, which made me smile. These people have a part of my heart, so I enjoyed showing my dad and now my mom, who came yesterday, the place God has led me to right now.
My apartment is so nice. The Guzman's painted it yellow for me! I learned to turn the pump on for water when I run out, which I usually have to turn it on for about 15 min. everyday, and right now, I take cold showers; however, Mama Guzman told me that she is going to have someone fix it soon b/c she hates cold showers-for that I'm thankful!
I have started lesson plans-it is getting me excited to start teaching, though it is a little overwhelming b/c at this moment I have the books stacked up according to subjects-but I get to start with the meetings and decorating my room next Monday, and then a week from Monday, I start-I am excited to meet my students and pour into their lives!
God has been so awesome-He is so faithful. There have been some times of discouragement when I'm sitting for example, in the church service, and I'm lucky if I understand half of it...lol. But on Wednesday night after having an rather difficult time understanding the sermon (though I had an English Bible too, which helps=) ), one of my friends, Bethsy, came up to me, and we had a 10 min. conversation in Spanish; it was such a God-thing, sending me encouragement when I just wanted to throw in the towel. I am actually going to help Bethsy with her English, and she told me she'd help me with my Spanish=) God is so faithful; it's so humbling and leaves me in amazement at the God I serve, who will provide what I need, even if it's simply an encouraging conversation!
Because of Christ,
PS- I learned how to make coffee-not for me, I'm still not Mexican in that area-but now I'm ready for visitors~ thanks to my dad who taught me how to make coffee=)
My dad, who flew with me, left on Wednesday, but he had a wonderful time here and enjoyed Chiapas, which made me smile. These people have a part of my heart, so I enjoyed showing my dad and now my mom, who came yesterday, the place God has led me to right now.
My apartment is so nice. The Guzman's painted it yellow for me! I learned to turn the pump on for water when I run out, which I usually have to turn it on for about 15 min. everyday, and right now, I take cold showers; however, Mama Guzman told me that she is going to have someone fix it soon b/c she hates cold showers-for that I'm thankful!
I have started lesson plans-it is getting me excited to start teaching, though it is a little overwhelming b/c at this moment I have the books stacked up according to subjects-but I get to start with the meetings and decorating my room next Monday, and then a week from Monday, I start-I am excited to meet my students and pour into their lives!
God has been so awesome-He is so faithful. There have been some times of discouragement when I'm sitting for example, in the church service, and I'm lucky if I understand half of it...lol. But on Wednesday night after having an rather difficult time understanding the sermon (though I had an English Bible too, which helps=) ), one of my friends, Bethsy, came up to me, and we had a 10 min. conversation in Spanish; it was such a God-thing, sending me encouragement when I just wanted to throw in the towel. I am actually going to help Bethsy with her English, and she told me she'd help me with my Spanish=) God is so faithful; it's so humbling and leaves me in amazement at the God I serve, who will provide what I need, even if it's simply an encouraging conversation!
Because of Christ,
PS- I learned how to make coffee-not for me, I'm still not Mexican in that area-but now I'm ready for visitors~ thanks to my dad who taught me how to make coffee=)
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